Knižky v cudzom jazyku (44234 kníh v kategórii )
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Mark Slobin Folk Music EN
This stimulating Very Short Introduction throws open the doors on a remarkably diverse musical genre, with a world-wide reach that goes far beyond America's shores to discuss folk music of every possible kind and in every corner of the globe. Written by award-winning ethnomusicologist Mark Slobin this is the first compact introduction to folk music that offers a truly global perspective. Slobin offers an…
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Zuzana Beňušková Folk Culture - Cultural Heritage of Slovakia EN
Súčasťou edície Kultúrne Krásy Slovenska bude aj nová publikácia Ľudová kultúra, ktorá je ďalším knižným počinom z hľadiska kultúrno-historickej prezentácie Slovenska. Slovensko je krajina mimoriadne bohatá na materiálne i duchovné pamiatky ľudovej kultúry. Ide o jeden z najdôležitejších fenoménov charakterizujúci slovenský národ i krajinu. Súčasne predstavuje významný prínos do klenotnice európskej kultúry.…
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Viera Dvořáková Folk Architecture EN
Z ľudovej architektúry je pre Slovensko symbolické predovšetkým drevo. Ľudové staviteľstvo nadviazalo na tradície zrubových stavieb starých Slovanov a hoci pôvodné drevené stavby sa v slovenských dedinách vyskytujú už len ojedinelo, ešte vždy existuje dostatok nádherných ukážok drevenej architektúry. Ľudovú architektúru a umenie možno dnes obdivovať najmä v mnohých pamiatkových rezerváciách ľudovej architektúry.…
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Zoe Gilbert Folk
A captivating, magical and haunting debut novel of breathtaking imagination, from the winner of the 2014 Costa Short Story Award. The remote island village of Neverness is a world far from our time and place. The air hangs rich with the coconut-scent of gorse and the salty bite of the sea. Harsh winds scour the rocky coastline. The villagers' lives are inseparable from nature and its enchantments. Verlyn Webbe,…
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Kvetoslava Mojtová Földrajz a speciális alapiskolák 9. osztálya számára HU
Učebnica pre 9. ročník je poslednou v rade učebníc zemepisu pre špeciálnu základnú školu. Žiaci si postupne zopakujú poznatky o vzniku a vývoji Zeme, jednotlivých svetadieloch vrátane Európy, získajú základné vedomosti o svojej vlasti, regióne, v ktorom žijú, kultúre a národnej identite v európskom priestore. Zdokonalia sa v práci s rôznymi druhmi máp. Pre žiakov s mentálnym postihnutím (variant A) s VJM/9.ročník
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Kvetoslava Mojtová Földrajz a speciális alapiskolák 8. osztálya számára HU
Učebnica zemepisu po formálnej a obsahovej stránke nadväzuje na učebnicu zemepisu pre 7. ročník. Žiaci sa naučia pomenovať oceány a svetadiely, získajú poznatky o geografickej polohe, prírodných podmienkach, obyvateľstve, hospodárstve jednotlivých svetadielov. Naučia sa pracovať s rôznymi druhmi máp a vyhľadávať v nich potrebné informácie. Zemepis pre 8. ročník špeciálnych základných škôl s VJM
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Kvetoslava Mojtová Földrajz a speciális alapiskolák 7. osztálya számára HU
Učebnica a učivo zemepisu nadväzuje na poznatky, ktoré si žiaci osvojili vo vlastivede. Žiaci získajú základné poznatky o postavení Zeme v slnečnej sústave, naučia sa základné pojmy, ktorými sú označené objekty vesmíru, osvoja si základné informácie o Európe, naučia sa orientovať na mape Európy. Rýchlejšie osvojenie si učiva podporuje množstvo obrázkov, máp. Na konci jednotlivých tém sa nachádza krátke zhrnutie…
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Paul Jackson Folding Techniques for Designers EN
Many designers use folding techniques in their work to make three-dimensional forms from two-dimensional sheets of fabric, cardboard, plastic, metal and many other materials. This unique book explains the key techniques of folding, such as pleated surfaces, curved folding and crumpling. An elegant, practical handbook, it covers over 70 techniques explained by clear step-by-step drawings, crease pattern drawings, and…
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Filep Tamás Gusztáv Főhatalomváltás Pozsonyban 1918-1920
1919 nyarán és kora őszén Pozsony lakosságát a háború minél hamarabb történő befejezése, az ellátás javítása, továbbá az foglalkoztatta, hogyan verjék vissza Ausztriának a régióra és magára a városra vonatkozó annexiós igényeit. Az ugyanis sokáig...
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J.M. Coetzee Foe EN
Nobel Laureate and two-time Booker prize-winning author of Disgrace and The Life and Times of Michael K, J M Coetzee reimagines Daniel DeFoe's classic novel Robinson Crusoe in Foe. Published as a Penguin Essential for the first time. In an act of breathtaking imagination, J M Coetzee radically reinvents the story of Robinson Crusoe. In the early eighteenth century, Susan Barton finds herself adrift from a mutinous…
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J.M. Coetzee Foe EN
In the early eighteenth century, a woman finds herself set adrift from a mutinous ship and cast ashore on a remote desert island. There she finds shelter with its only other inhabitants: a man named Cruso and his tongueless slave Friday. In time, she builds a life for herself as Cruso's companion and, eventually, his lover. At last, they are rescued by a passing ship, but only she and Friday survive the journey back…
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Daniel Goleman Focus EN
For more than two decades, psychologist and journalist Daniel Goleman has been scouting the leading edge of the human sciences for what's new, surprising, and important. In Focus, he delves into the science of attention in all its varieties, presenting a long overdue discussion of this little-noticed and under-rated mental asset that matters enormously for how we navigate life. Goleman boils down attention research…
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Daniel Goleman Focus EN
Daniel Goleman is the leading authority in the genre of 'popular psychology' and redefined what it means to be clever in his groundbreaking book Emotional Intelligence. Now he returns with a revolutionary look at the secret to high performance and fulfillment: attention. For more than two decades, psychologist and journalist Daniel Goleman has been scouting the leading edge of the human sciences for what’s new,…
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Daniel Goleman Focus EN
For more than two decades, psychologist and journalist Daniel Goleman has been scouting the leading edge of the human sciences for what's new, surprising, and important. In Focus, he delves into the science of attention in all its varieties, presenting a long overdue discussion of this little-noticed and under-rated mental asset that matters enormously for how we navigate life. Goleman boils down attention research…
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Allright Steve Captain Patricia, Furness-Smith Flying with Confidence
Explains everything that you need to know about air travel alongside techniques for feeling confident and in control from take off to landing. This title helps you learn how to recognise cabin noises, manage turbulence and fly in bad weather conditions. It includes techniques for controlling anxiety, claustrophobia and panic.
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Chihiro Ichizuka Flying Witch (Volume 1) EN
A surreal comedy in the vein of Yotsuba! and Nichijou with a magical theme combines humour, slice of life and traditional Japanese culture in this debut work from Chihiro Ishizuka.
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James Cahill Flying Too Close to the Sun
The first major survey to reveal the ways in which Classical mythology has inspired art throughout the last 2,500 years.
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Kelly McCaughrain Flying Tips for Flightless Birds
From debut author Kelly McCaughrain comes a sweet and kooky romcom for fans of R.J. Palacio's Wonder, Sarah Crossan, and Susin Nielsen's We Are All Made of Molecules. Twins Finch and Birdie Franconi are stars of the flying trapeze...
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R.A. Boulay Flying Serpents and Dragons EN
A highly original work that deals a shattering blow to all our preconceived notions about our past and human origins.World-wide legends refer to giant flying lizards and dragons which came to this planet and founded the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, India and China. Who were these reptilian creatures?
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Flying Pumpkins! EN
Non fiction reading series based on National Geographic content with accompanying video material - presents fascinating real-world stories in three formats: print, audio and video. Úroveň B1.
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Stephen Rabley Flying Home
Original / British English. Felix is not a happy bird. He comes from Brazil but he doesn't live there. He lives in New York in a cage. Then one day his cage opens and Felix says goodbye to New York...