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Knižky v cudzom jazyku (44223 kníh v kategórii )

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  • Viktor Dyk Le Chasseur de rats

    Básník, prozaik, dramatik a publicista Viktor Dyk se v této novele (časopisecky 1911–1912, knižně 1915) inspiroval starou saskou pověstí, již použil jako volný rámec pro vyprávění o tajemném poutníkovi, který na žádost občanů...

  • Antoine Laurain Le chapeau de Mitterrand FR

    Daniel Mercier dîne seul dans une fameuse brasserie parisienne quand - il n'en croit pas ses yeux - un illustre convive s'installe à la table voisine : François Mitterrand. Son repas achevé, le Président oublie son chapeau, que Daniel décide de s'approprier en souvenir. Tel un talisman, le feutre noir ne tarde pas à transformer sa vie. Daniel aurait-il percé le mystère du pouvoir suprême ? Hélas, il perd à son tour…

  • Moliére Le Bourgeois gentilhomme FR

    Riche bourgeois, M. Jourdain ne rêve que d'une chose : devenir gentilhomme. Et quels ne sont pas ses efforts pour y parvenir ! Cours de danse, de chant, d'armes et de philosophie : tout est bon pour acquérir les manières d'un noble. Hélas ! l'élève multiplie les maladresses et les balourdises. L'extravagance de M. Jourdain atteint son comble quand il refuse la main de sa fille à l'homme qu'elle aime, sous prétexte…

  • Henry Chennevières Le bonheur sur tous les tons/Šťastie vo všetkých tóninách

    Henry Chennevières, pôsobiaci v súčasnosti v Bratislave, sa rozhodol podeliť s mladými ľuďmi žijúcimi na Slovensku o svoje osobné úvahy o šťastí. Jeho odkaz, podaný prostredníctvom týchto 24 prelúdií, ktoré slovami reprodukujú Frédérica Chopina, vyznieva jasne a celkom jednoznačne: aj keď je život, a to čo sa okolo vás momentálne deje, akokoľvek zložité, šťastie nikdy nenájdete, keď zutekáte hľadať ho niekde inde,…

  • Carlo Collodi, Giorgio Massei Le avventure di Pinocchio IT

    Il capolavoro italiano più tradotto nel mondo. Un falegname di nome Geppetto decide un giorno di costruire un giocattolo di legno che, per miracolo, è vivo e anche un po’ dispettoso. Iniziano così le avventure di Pinocchio, un viaggio tra sorprese, bugie, momenti tristi e gioiosi, incontri pericolosi e aiuti inaspettati, errori e pentimenti. Protagonista assoluto della storia è l’irresistibile burattino dal naso…

  • Hitoshi Takeda LCIA - Low Cost Intelligent Automation

    Produktivitätsvorteile durch Einfachautomatisierung. Spezialisierte und hochqualitative Produkte kostengünstig und wettbewerbsfähig produzieren - der Traum jedes Unternehmers...

  • Susan Mallery Lazos de amistad

    Después de cinco años desempeñando la labor de ama de casa, Gabby Schaefer estaba deseando volver al trabajo. Pero cuando sus planes se vinieron abajo por una impactante noticia y las demoledoras expectativas de su marido, ...

  • Lars Kepler Lazarus

    Hat Jurek Walter überlebt? Der gefährlichste Serienmörder Schwedens wurde vor Jahren für tot erklärt. Er war bei einem dramatischen Polizeieinsatz von mehreren Kugeln getroffen in den Fluss gestürzt. Seine Leiche wurde jedoch niemals gefunden...

  • Lazarillo de Tormes ES

    El Lazarillo de Tormes es una novela anónima del siglo XVI que narra la vida de Lázaro de Tormes desde su infancia hasta la edad adulta. Es una novela de autoformación; pero también es una descripción irónica, cómica y dura a la vez de la sociedad de la España del siglo XVI. Con este libro se crea un género literario en España: la novela picaresca.Temas: Aventura - Sociedad En esta publicación vas a encontrar: -…

  • Beth Tondreau Layout Essentials

    A classic and essential text for designers since 2009, Layout Essentials: 100 Design Principles for Using Grids just got better with a fresh exploration of its design principles, updated text, and new photos and international graphics...

  • Ed Bates Law of the European Convention on Human Rights EN

    The first edition of Harris, O'Boyle and Warbrick: Law of the European Convention on Human Rights swiftly established itself as a seminal legal textbook. The eagerly awaited second edition builds on the great strengths of the first, and is an indispensible text for all undergraduates, postgraduates and practitioners. Its publication coincides with the 50th anniversary of the European Court of Human Rights, a major…

  • Reinhard Zimmermann Law of Obligations

    This book is widely regarded as one of the most remarkable achievements in Roman Law and Comparative Law scholarship this century - a fact attested to by the universal acclaim with which it has been received throughout Europe, America, and beyond...

  • John Ventura Law for Dummies EN

    Get answers to your legal questions — in plain English! Find out how to protect your family, your money, your job, and your rights. If you're like most people, you probably don't know much about your legal rights and responsibilities — until you run smack-dab into a messy legal problem. Now revised and updated, this friendly guide helps you get a handle on a wide range of everyday legal issues, decipher legal mumbo…

  • Jevgenij Vodolazkin Lavr RU

    Евгений Водолазкин - филолог, специалист по древнерусской литературе, автор романа Соловьев и Ларионов, сборника эссе Инструмент языка и других книг. Герой нового романа Лавр - средневековый врач. Обладая даром исцеления, он тем не менее не может спасти свою возлюбленную и принимает решение пройти земной путь вместо нее. Так жизнь превращается в житие. Он выхаживает чумных и раненых, убогих и немощных, и чем больше…

  • Robert Holdstock Lavondyss EN

    At the heart of the wildwood lies a place of mystery and legend, from which few return and none emerged unchanged: Lavondyss ... the ultimate realm, the source of all myth. When Harry Keeton disappeared into Ryhope Wood, his sister Tallis was just an infant. Now, thirteen years old, she hears him whispering to her from the Otherworld. He is in danger. He needs her held. Using masks, magic and clues left by her…

  • Ursula K. Le Guin Lavinia EN

    'Like Spartan Helen, I caused a war. She caused hers by letting men who wanted her take her. I caused mine because I wouldn't be given, wouldn't be taken, but chose my man and my fate. The man was famous, the fate obscure; not a bad balance.' Lavinia is the daughter of the King of Latium, a victorious warrior who loves peace; she is her father's closest companion. Now of an age to wed, Lavinia's mother favours her…

  • Jude Deveraux Lavender Morning

    Jocelyn Minton is a woman torn between two worlds. Her mother grew up in a world of private schools and afternoon tea, but she married the local handyman. After her mother died when Joce was only five, her father remarried into his own class, and Joce was an outsider — until she met Edilean Harcourt, sixty years her senior, but a kindred soul. When Miss Edi dies, she leaves Jocelyn all her worldly possessions, which…

  • Peter Gössel Lautner EN

    Michigan-born architect John Lautner (1911–1994) was behind some of the most striking and innovative architectural designs in mid-20th-century America. With designs for homes and commercial buildings primarily in Southern California, Lautner’s innovative work captured the pioneering optimism of 1950s America, a time of space-age technology, economic growth, and affluence. Today, several of Lautner’s houses are…

  • Frank Schaetzing Lautlos DE

    Sieht Dr. Liam O´Connor, genialer Physiker und Bestsellerautor, Gespenster? Wird seine Stadt wirklich von einer unbekannten Macht unterwandert, wenige Tage bevor hier die weltpolitische Elite zum G-8-Gipfel zusammenkommt? Tatsächlich stöst O´Connor auf eine Verschwörung und eine unheimliche Waffe, die einen neuen Kalten Krieg auslösen könnte...
