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Knižky v cudzom jazyku (44200 kníh v kategórii )

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  • Tjibbe Veldkamp, Philip Hopman 22 Orphans

    Once upon a time there was an orphanage with 22 orphans. They did as they pleased and played with whatever came in handy: a handrail or a rope... or even with nothing. But one day a new director shows up. She d oesn ’t like wild games and sen ds the chi

  • Alena Ježková 22 Czech Legends / 22 českých legend (anglicky) EN

    Česká republika je zemí s bohatou historií, kde se odjakživa protínaly vrcholné kulturní a umělecké vlivy celé Evropy. Množství vzácných stavitelských památek – hradů, zámků, klášterů a historických měst, je tu nepřeberné. Tato kniha nabízí čtenáři mnohem víc, než pouhý přehled nejkrásnějších míst v Čechách. Magie každého z nich je však skrytá, nenalistujete ji v žádném průvodci. Podílí se na ní architektura a…

  • Amanda Hodgkinson 22 Britannia Road EN

    War changes all of us - and sometimes we no longer recognise ourselves... At the end of the war, Silvana and eight-year-old Aurek board the ship that will take them from Poland to England. After living wild in the forests for years, carrying a terrible secret, all Silvana knows is that she and Aurek are survivors. Everything else is lost. Waiting in Ipswich is Silvana's husband Janusz who has not seen his wife and…

  • Alena Ježková 22 böhmische Legenden

    Česká republika je zemí s bohatou historií, kde se odjakživa protínaly vrcholné kulturní a umělecké vlivy celé Evropy. Množství vzácných stavitelských památek – hradů, zámků, klášterů a historických měst, je tu nepřeberné...

  • 285513 21st-Century London: The New Architecture

    Merrell Publishers: This book presents a selection of the most exciting building projects in London since the year 2000. The first decade of the twenty-first century has marked out London as arguably the pre-eminent international city for innovative and ambitious architecture, with the design and construction of imaginative buildings of all types. Projects range in size and budget from such landmark structures as…

  • Juliet Weir-de La Rouchefoucauld 21st-Century Jewellery Designers EN

    21st-Century Jewelery Designers: An Inspired Style is a stunning survey of the contemporary jewelery that's being designed and created across the world today. From the great JAR, to James de Givenchy and Nicholas Varney in the West, and Michelle Ong, Wallace Chan and Bhagat in the East, 21st-Century Jewelery Designers: An Inspired Style is an exploration into the designers' worlds, helping the reader to discover the…

  • Stephen Bevan 21st Century Workforces and Workplaces EN

    What does the future of work look like? This book charts, explains and analyses the past five years which have rewritten much of what we thought we knew about employment and how workplaces respond to pressure. It also outlines what hasn t changed and in doing so, distinguishes myth from reality.The book discusses critical questions for any member of any workforce, including:· Does work have to be a 'place ?· How…

  • Christopher Golden 21st Century Dead EN

    The Stoker-award-winning editor of the acclaimed, eclectic anthology Zombie, returns with 21st Century Dead, and an all new line-up of authors from all corners of the fiction world, shining a dark light on our fascination with tales of death and resurrection ...with zombies! The stellar stories in this volume includes a tale set in the world of Daniel H. Wilson's Robopocalypse, the first published fiction by Sons of…

  • Yuval Noah Harari 21 Lessons for the 21st Century

    Yuval Noah Harari returns in August 2018 with a new book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century. In bringing his focus to the here and now, Harari will help us to grapple with a world that is increasing ...

  • Yuval Noah Harari 21 Lessons for the 21st Century

    Yuval Noah Harari returns in August 2018 with a new book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century. In bringing his focus to the here and now, Harari will help us to grapple with a world that is increasingly hard to comprehend, encouraging us to focus our minds on the essential questions we should be asking ourselves today. Employing his trademark entertaining and lucid style, Harari will examine some of the world’s most…

  • Guillermo Arriaga 21 gramů CZ

    Dvojjazyčný scénář ke kultovnímu filmu s Seanem Pennem v hlavní roli těžce nemocného profesora matematiky, jehož jedinou záchranou je transplantace srdce. Tragickým dárcem se stává manžel dobře sitoavné rodiny, zraněný autem bývalého vězně a dnes náboženského horlivce a otce rodiny Jacka. Umanutá touha Paulovy ženy po dítěti se stává zápletkou k rozehrání šachové partie vztahů tří lidí, které svedl osud dohromady.

  • Claire Wilcox 20th-Century Fashion in Detail

    Revealing the elaborate embroidery, intricate pleats and daring cuts that make up some of the 20th century's most beautiful garments, this book explores the specific techniques used by couturiers as tastes and textile technologies evolved....

  • 20th Century World Architecture EN

    20th Century World Architecture portrays, for the first time, an overview of the finest built architecture from around the world completed between 1900 and 1999. The unprecedented global scope of this collection of over 750 key buildings juxtaposes architectural icons with regional masterpieces. Specially designed and commissioned graphics at the start of the atlas explore the changing economic and political…

  • Allison Silver 20th Century Travel: 100 Years of Globe-Trotting Ads EN

    The metabolism of travel changed more in the last century than in the previous half-millennium, a stunning transformation triggered by American wanderlust. In less than 100 years, the U.S. mass-produced the automobile, invented airplanes, freeways, motels, even sent men to the Moon. Travel grew ever faster and easier. Above all, it was democratized — enabling millions to explore distant lands, or see their own more…

  • Stefano Papi, Alexandra Rhodes 20th Century Jewelry & the Icons of Style EN

    For many centuries the collecting of precious jewels was the preserve of kings and queens, emperors and maharajahs. But in the aftermath of the First World War, with the fall of several European monarchies, royal gems passed into the hands of a different kind of elite that included celebrities from the silver screen and a coterie which revelled in a new-rich social whirl. Eleven of these rich and glamorous women,…

  • Alison A. Nieder 20th Century Fashion EN

    The 20th century saw fashion evolve from an exclusive Parisian salon business catering to a wealthy elite into a global industry employing millions, with new trends whisked into stores before the last model has left the catwalk. Along the way, the signature silhouettes of each era evolved beyond recognition. For women, House of Worth crinolines gave way to Vionnet’s bias-cut gowns, Dior’s New Look to Quant’s Chelsea…

  • Allison Silver, Steven Heller 20th Century Alcohol and Tobacco

    Vices or virtues: drinking and smoking provided marketers with products to be forged into visual feasts. In this lush compendium of advertisements, we explore how depictions of these commodities spanned from the elegant to the offbeat, ...

  • Boualem Sansal 2084 EN

    It is the year 2084. In the kingdom of Abistan citizens submit to a single god, demonstrating their devotion by kneeling in prayer nine times a day. Autonomous thought has been banned, remembering is forbidden, and an omnipresent surveillance system instantly informs the authorities of every deviant act, thought or idea. The kingdom is blessed and its citizens are happy. Those who are not are put to death, stoned in…

  • Arthur C. Clarke 2061

    Arthur C.Clarke´s space saga contines in 2061, when an Earth vessel landing on Halley´s Comet marks the beginning of another confrontation between Heywood Floyd and David Bowman - or whatever Bowman has become - a newly independent HAL and the unseen alien power that controls the destiny of Earth. Arthur C.Clarke, one of most popular science fiction writers of the 20th century, has written over 50 books including…

  • Kathy Reichs 206 Bones EN

    The twelfth gripping Temperance Brennan thriller from world-class forensic anthropologist Kathy Reichs, the no.1 international bestselling author and producer and inspiration behind of the hit TV series Bones. When Dr Temperance Brennan is called to Chicago to answer questions on an old case involving the death of a lonely but wealthy woman, the last thing she expects is to have her professional assesment questioned…

  • Kathy Reichs 206 Bones EN

    'You have an enemy, Dr. Brennan. It is in your interest to learn who placed that call.' A routine case turns sinister when Dr. Temperance Brennan is accused of mishandling the autopsy of a missing heiress. Someone has made an incriminating accusation that she missed or concealed crucial evidence. Before Tempe can get to the one man with information, he turns up dead. The heiress isn't the only elderly female to have…

  • 2023

    Down through the epochs and out across the continents, generation upon generation of the Justified Ancients of Mu Mu have told variants of the same story - an end of days story, a final chapter story. But one with hope, ...
