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Knižky v cudzom jazyku (44203 kníh v kategórii )

Pozrite si novinky v kategórii Knižky v cudzom jazyku. Objednaj si dnes, aby si mohol čítať čo najskôr!

  • Kumar Jamdagni 75 Tools for Creative Thinking EN

    Designers use many creative tools: Mind Mapping, Customer Journey, Brainstorming, Reverse Thinking, Six Thinking Hats, Doodling, Talk Streaming, Unfolding and many more. These tools are helpful in different stages of a creative process. It could be a design process, but these tools are also applicable in any situation, guiding any process where new ideas are required. They will structure and encourage creative…

  • Yasmin Newman 7000 Islands

    For Filipinos, food is more than a pleasurable pursuit; it is the cultural language of the Philippines. The people use food to apologise, woo a woman, ask a favour or say thank you. Filipino food can be seen through the prism ...

  • Jim Rohn 7 Strategies for Wealth and Happiness

    No one has to choose between wealth and happiness—after all, they both spring from the same fountain of abundance. Jim Rohn, America's foremost business philosopher, shows how to unlock the fountain of prosperity within you through seven keys to success. He has transformed the lives of literally millions of people through his inspirational seminars and popular audiotapes. This book, first released in 1986, has sold…

  • Mary Buffett 7 Secrets to Investing Like Warren Buffett

    A complete guide for beginning investors who want to understand how to invest like Warren Buffett. This is one of the first books to showcase both Warren Buffett's Value Investing technique and his life skills and habits for beginning investors. Sustainab

  • Stephen R. Covey 7 nawyków skutecznego działania PL

    7 nawykow skutecznego dzialania to biblia wspolczesnego czlowieka. Jeden z najbardziej wplywowych ludzi Ameryki wskazuje, jak kierujac sie wewnetrzna uczciwoscia, poszanowaniem innych, a przede wszystkim swiadomoscia tego, co najwazniejsze, a nie tego, co pilne doprowadzic do erupcji wlasnych mozliwosci i tworzyc synergie, oznaczajaca zwielokrotnione efekty wspolnych dzialan. Wypracowanie owych siedmiu nawykow…

  • Susan Zimmermann 7 Keys to Comprehension EN

    It's simple: If children don't understand what they read, they will never embrace reading. And that limits what they can learn while in school. This fact frightens parents, worries teachers, and ultimately hurts children. 7 Keys to Comprehension is the result of cutting-edge research. It gives parents and teachers—those who aren't already using this valuable program - practical, thoughtful advice about the seven…

  • 642 Places to Draw EN

    A follow-up to the smash-hit 642 Things to Draw, this wild and wonderful assortment of locations to sketch will send casual doodlers and serious artists, armchair travelers and seasoned globetrotters on a creative adventure be it to remote locations (Mt. Fuji wrapped in mist), just down the hall (under your bed), or to the height of their imaginations (over the moon).

  • Ben Hammersley 64 things you need to know now for then EN

    In 64 THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW NOW FOR THEN, Editor-at-Large for Wired magazine and guru of the digital age Ben Hammersley gives us the essential guide to the things we need to know for life in the 21st century. Explaining the effects of the changes in the modern world, and the latest ideas in technology, culture, business and politics, this book will demystify the internet, decode cyberspace, and guide you through…

  • Lee Child 61 Hours EN

    Jack Reacher is back. The countdown has begun. Get ready for the most exciting 61 hours of your life. #1New York Times bestselling author Lee Child’s latest thriller is a ticking time bomb of suspense that builds electric tension on every page. Sixty-one hours. Not a minute to spare. A tour bus crashes in a savage snowstorm and lands Jack Reacher in the middle of a deadly confrontation. In nearby Bolton, South…

  • Lee Child 61 Hours EN

    There was some excitement recently at the offices of Transworld, publisher of the British thriller writer Lee Child, who has so successful conquered America with his Jack Reacher adventures. Child usually produces only one novel featuring his tough ex-army action hero each year, but the latest book, 61 Hours, will be followed up with a speedily issued second new Reacher-related novel this autumn. 61 Hours — admirers…

  • Andrew Scotchmer 5S Kaizen in 90 Minutes EN

    5S Kaizen in 90 Minutes is a concise guide to the popular Japanese management principles of 5S kaizen - a proven methodology for the achievement of continuous improvement and total quality management. 5S Kaizen is growing in popularity both in the Far East and in the West. In Hong Kong there is now a government-funded 5S Association and its accreditations are as highly prized as the internationally recognised…

  • Hiroyoki Hirano 5S for Operators: 5 Pillars of the Visual Workplace EN

    Since its publication, Hiroyuki Hirano’s, 5S for Operators continues to be hugely popular, having proven its worth in one company after another. Hirano’s five pillars of the visual workplace: sort, set in order, shine, standardize and sustain are the most fundamental and often overlooked aspects in continuous improvement initiatives. Easy-to-read and apply, each section of the book is loaded with questions, outlines…

  • Richard Wiseman 59 Seconds EN

    Offers scientific answers to a huge range of everyday problems. This book lets you find out why putting a pencil between your teeth instantly makes you feel happier; discover why even thinking about going to the gym can help you keep in shape; and, learn how putting just one thing in your wallet can improve the chance of it being returned if lost.

  • Peter Röhrig, Jenny Clarke 57 SF Activities for Facilitators and Consultants

    A collection of Solution Focused activities for workshops and team events. It helps readers to maximise the effectiveness of their workshops, team meetings and projects, use creative stimulating activities with confidence and precision, and create even...

  • Siegfried Tatschl 555 Obstsorten für den Permakulturgarten und -balkon

    Nachhaltig Anbauen, Staunen und Geniessen: Permakulturpionier Siegfried Tatschl zeigt in 555 SORTENPORTRÄTS, wie abwechslungsreich und kulinarisch interessant das Angebot an Obs ...

  • Jozef Leikert, Alexander Vojček 55 Loveliest Places in Slovakia

    Kniha podáva svedectvo o veľkoleposti a bohatosti slovenskej histórie. Zachytáva nielen slovom, ale aj obrazom kultúru slovenského národa v dejinných súvislostiach, opisuje výnimočné lokality, historické pamiatky a vzácne kultúrne pamätihodnosti...

  • Jozef Leikert, Alexander Vojček 55 Loveliest Places in Slovakia EN

    Krásna obrazová publikácia podáva svedectvo o veľkoleposti i bohatosti slovenskej histórie. Zachytáva nielen slovom, ale aj nevšedným a očarujúcim obrazom kultúru slovenského národa v dejinných súvislostiach, opisuje výnimočné lokality, nevšedné historické pamiatky a vzácne kultúrne pamätihodnosti Slovenska. Text v anglickom jazyku

  • Jozef Leikert, Alexander Vojček 55 Loveliest Places in Slovakia EN

    Krásna obrazová publikácia podáva svedectvo o veľkoleposti i bohatosti slovenskej histórie. Zachytáva nielen slovom, ale aj nevšedným a očarujúcim obrazom kultúru slovenského národa v dejinných súvislostiach, opisuje výnimočné lokality, nevšedné historické pamiatky a vzácne kultúrne pamätihodnosti Slovenska. Text v anglickom jazyku

  • Jozef Leikert, Alexander Vojček 55 Loveliest Places in Slovakia EN

    Krásna obrazová publikácia podáva svedectvo o veľkoleposti a bohatosti slovenskej histórie. Zachytáva nielen slovom, ale aj nevšedným a očarujúcim obrazom kultúru slovenského národa v dejinných súvislotiach, opisuje výnimočné lokality, historické pamiatky a vzácne kultúrne pamätihodnosti Slovenska. Bohatý faktografický opis a množstvo fotografií na vás vdýchne nezabudnuteľnú atmosféru každého takéhoto miesta.…

  • Betty Herbert 52 Seductions EN

    Betty and Herbert have been together since their late teens. They share everything - a home, a life, a cat, the remote... Well, almost everything. You see, Betty and Herbert don't really 'do it' anymore. Their status is permanently set to coitus interruptus. How are you supposed to be up for a saucy spanking when ten minutes ago you were arguing about who's putting out the rubbish? But, after a surprisingly…
