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Knižky v cudzom jazyku (44202 kníh v kategórii )

Pozrite si novinky v kategórii Knižky v cudzom jazyku. Objednaj si dnes, aby si mohol čítať čo najskôr!

  • Stefanie Baumm Am Anfang war der Tod DE

    Am Anfang war der Tod Im idyllischen Dorf Moorbek liegt Pastor Eckhard Falkner mit zertrümmertem Schädel auf dem kalten Boden seiner Kirche und sieht zum ersten Mal seit fünfundzwanzig Jahren wieder in die Augen seines einzigen Sohnes. Wenige Atemzüge später ist der Pastor tot. Als die Kieler Kommissare Armin Stahl und Birger Harms an den Tatort kommen, erwartet sie zu ihrer großen Überraschung ein ehemaliger…

  • Erri De Luca Alzaia IT

    L'alzaia è la fune che serviva a tirare dalla riva di fiumi e canali chiatte e battelli controcorrente. E qui è la corda che trascina pensieri, frasi, spunti, accadimenti. Alzaia diventa così un prezioso quaderno di riflessioni, un esercizio per non perdere la memoria. Si procede per ‟voci” in ordine alfabetico (e a quelle dell'edizione del 1997 se ne aggiungono molte altre) come in un vocabolario. Voci come Agguati…

  • Lindsey Kelk Always the Bridesmaid EN

    The brilliant new summer bestseller from Lindsey Kelk, author of the I Heart series Everyone loves a bridesmaid. Except Maddie, who's perpetually asked to be one. Everyone loves a wedding. Except Maddie's best friend, who's getting divorced. And everyone loves the way Maddie's so happy backstage. Except Maddie herself. One best friend is in wedding countdown while the other heads for marriage meltdown. And as Maddie…

  • Emily Wibberley Always Never Yours

    Megan Harper is the girl before...just like Rosaline from Romeo and Juliet. Every one of Megan's relationships has ended the same way-her ex replaces her with someone perfect. But instead of crying over every breakup, ...

  • Eric Idle Always Look on the Bright Side of Life

    Best known for his unforgettable roles in Monty Python, from the Flying Circus to The Meaning of Life, Eric Idle reflects on the meaning of his own life in this brilliantly entertaining memoir that takes us on an unforgettable journey from his childhood i

  • Jenny Han Always and Forever, Lara Jean

    Lara Jean’s letter-writing days aren’t over in this surprise follow-up to the bestselling To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before and P.S. I Still Love You. Lara Jean is having the best senior year a girl could ever hope for. She is head over heels in love with her boyfriend, Peter; her dad’s finally getting remarried to their next door neighbor, Ms. Rothschild; and Margot’s coming home for the summer just in time for the…

  • Carolyn MacCullough Always a Witch EN

    Since the gripping conclusion of Once a Witch, Tamsin Greene has been haunted by her grandmother’s prophecy that she will soon be forced to make a crucial decision — one so terrible that it could harm her family forever. When she discovers that her enemy, Alistair Knight, went back in time to Victorian-era New York in order to destroy her family, Tamsin is forced to follow him into the past. Stranded all alone in…

  • Carolyn MacCullough Always a Witch EN

    Since the gripping conclusion of Once a Witch, Tamsin Greene has been haunted by her grandmother’s prophecy that she will soon be forced to make a crucial decision — one so terrible that it could harm her family forever. When she discovers that her enemy, Alistair Knight, went back in time to Victorian-era New York in order to destroy her family, Tamsin is forced to follow him into the past. Stranded all alone in…

  • Alvin a Chipmunkové 2

    Jsou zpět a nejsou sami. V roce 2007 vstoupil do kin formou celovečerního filmu komiksový fenomén mnoha generací Alvin a Chipmunkové. V okurkové sezóně se hudebnímu skladateli Daveovi Sevillemu podařilo ze zpívajících Chipmunků Alvina, Simona a Teodora udělat filmovou senzaci, a to i přesto, že toto nekontrolovatelné trio zdevastovalo svému kamarádovi Daveovi dům, ohrozilo kariéru a převrátilo život vzhůru nohama. …

  • Carlos Castenheira, Álvaro Siza Álvaro Siza: The Function of Beauty EN

    Álvaro Siza (b.1933) is considered Portugal's greatest living architect. His buildings are known for their austere beauty and their imaginative relationship to their surroundings. Relatively unknown outside his native Portugal when he won the 1992 Pritzker Prize, he has since built a number of masterful buildings around the world while retaining strong ties to his country. This volume highlights over twenty of these…

  • Philip Jodidio Álvaro Siza EN

    Complex simplicity. This is the seminal book on Portugal's master architect. When Alvaro Siza, one of the great figures of contemporary architecture, won the prestigious Pritzker Prize in 1992, the Jury citation described his shapes as molded by light, [with] a deceptive simplicity about them; they are honest. They solve design problems directly...That simplicity, upon closer examination however, is revealed as…

  • Altvaterland

    Knížka vás seznámí s příběhem ztracených a téměř po 100 letech opět nalezených skleněných negativů amatérského fotografa Gustava Ulricha z podhůří Jeseníků, země pod Pradědem. Nalezením dřevěné bedny s téměř...

  • Rui F. Oliveira, Michael Taborsky, H. Jane Brockmann Alternative Reproductive Tactics EN

    The study of alternative reproductive tactics (the behavioural strategies used by individuals to increase their reproductive success) is an evolutionary puzzle, and one of great interest to researchers. For instance, why do some males guard both nest and eggs, while others sneak into nests while pairs are spawning and fertilise those eggs? The field offers a special opportunity to study the evolution and functional…

  • Leigh Radford AlterKnits Felt EN

    There's something magical about felting knits: You start with a piece of fabric that looks and feels a certain way and, by exposing it to water and agitation, finish with one that looks and feels completely different. This fascinating transformation is what led author Leigh Radford to begin felting years ago, and has kept her intrigued by the process ever since. Now, in AlterKnits Felt, Radford pushes the boundaries…

  • Richard Morgan Altered Carbon

    Coming to Netflix in 2018, this must-read story is a confident, action-and-violence packed thriller, and future classic noir SF novel from a multi-award-winning author. Four hundred years from now mankind is strung out across a region of interstellar space inherited from an ancient civilization discovered on Mars. The colonies are linked together by the occasional sublight colony ship voyages and hyperspatial data…

  • Alter John DE

    Alter John ist die Geschichte eines alten Mannes, est ist auch die Geschichte einer Familie, der Familie Schirmer: Der Familienrat beschließt, Alter John bei sich aufzunehmen. Alter John zieht ein und von diesem Zeitpunkt an gleicht kein Tag dem anderen. Wir erleben die Schwierigkeiten und Freeuden des Zusammenlebens dreier Generationen unter einem Dach.

  • Peter Härtling Alter John DE

    Alter John heiβt eigentlich Jan Navratil. Aber alle nennen ihn Alter John, auch Vater, Mutter und die Enkelkinder Laura und Jakob. Nachdem sie in das kleine Haus gezogen sind, beschlieβen sie, den alten Mann zu sich zu holen. Das Zusammenleben ist nicht leicht. Die Kinder finden es allerdings spannend, denn seit Alter John bei ihnen ist, pasiert jeden Tag etwas. Doch eines Tages ist Alter John zu schwach um…

  • Mark Landler Alter Egos EN

    As the US presidential campaign enters its final stage, we are on the point of a major debate about America's role in the world. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were rivals who became partners for a time, trailblazers who share a common sense of their historic destiny but different instincts about how to project power. As one prepares to relinquish the presidency, and the other makes her long-awaited bid for it,…

  • Alter Ego Pad: From The Inner Child EN

    Being honest is the first step in communication—even that inner child of yours would have to agree. Tell it like it is with a pad that reveals who's really doing the talking. Knock Knock notepads: for mature and immature minds alike. Need s funny gift idea? This pad says who's in charge.

  • Alter Ego Pad: From The Evil Twin EN

    Being honest is the first step in communication—even that evil twin of yours would have to agree. Tell it like it is with a pad that reveals who's really doing the talking. Even evil twins need lined notepads.

  • Alter Ego Pad: From The Ego EN

    Being honest is the first step in communication—even that ego of yours would have to agree. Tell it like it is with a pad that reveals who's really doing the talking. A pocket notepad that announces your narcissism—with pride! A funny gift for your favourite blowhard.

  • Alter Ego Pad: From The Dirty Mind EN

    Being honest is the first step in communication—even that dirty mind of yours would have to agree. Tell it like it is with a pad that reveals who's really doing the talking. Inspired by the gilt lettering once found on the doors of private eyes, professors and lawyers. A funny gift idea with a golden touch.
