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Knižky v cudzom jazyku (44202 kníh v kategórii )

Pozrite si novinky v kategórii Knižky v cudzom jazyku. Objednaj si dnes, aby si mohol čítať čo najskôr!

  • Leon Gordis Epidemiology EN

    This popular book is written by the award-winning teacher, Dr. Leon Gordis of the Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University. He introduces the basic principles and concepts of epidemiology in clear, concise writing and his inimitable style. This book provides an understanding of the key concepts in the following 3 fully updated sections: Section I: The Epidemiologic Approach to Disease and…

  • Leon Gordis Epidemiology EN

    Epidemiology, byaward-winning educator and epidemiologist Leon Gordis, is a best-selling introduction to this complex science. Dr. Gordis leverages his vast experience teaching this subject in the classroom to introduce the basic principles and concepts of epidemiology in a clear, uniquely memorable way. He guides you from an explanation of the epidemiologic approach to disease and intervention, through the use of…

  • Epica Book 31: Creative Communications

    Beautifully illustrated with over 1000 colour images, the 31st edition of the Epica Book showcases more than 850 creative projects honoured in the 2017 Epica Awards- including fascinating background stories on all the latest Epica d'Or winners...

  • Epica Book 23 EN

    Epica Book 23: Europe's Best Advertising brings together images from all the winners of the 09/10 awards, featuring more than 950 commercials, print ads, innovative media ideas, publications, internet sites, direct marketing operations, packaging design projects and integrated campaigns. It is a unique source of information for all those interested in contemporary European creative trends. This unique record is…

  • Epic Runs of the World

    Put on your running shoes – it’s time to hit the road, the trails and the great outdoors. In this comprehensive runner’s companion, you’ll find 50 of the world’s greatest running routes – from short city runs and must-do marathons ...

  • Bear Grylls Epic Expeditions

    Ever wanted to be an adventurer like Bear Grylls? Learn all about some of the most epic expeditions in the history of exploration.Journey through the most extreme terrains and discover how explorers coped with searing heat and intense cold, lack of food and water, and deadly diseases and dangerous animals. With stunning photography throughout, the book also includes a chapter on Bear Grylls' personal relevant…

  • Epic Drives of the World

    Buckle up for the next installment in our 'Epic' series and the follow-up to Epic Bike Rides of the World. Epic Drives of the World, a beautiful hardback, showcases 50 of the greatest road trips on Earth, from classic routes in America, Australia and Europe, to incredible adventures in Asia and Africa. Organised by continent, each route features a first-hand account, awe-inspiring photographs, illustrated maps and…

  • Nicholas Jubber Epic Continent

    These are the stories that made Europe.Journeying from Turkey to Iceland, award-winning travel writer Nicholas Jubber takes us on a fascinating adventure through our continent's most enduring epic poems to learn how they were shaped by their times, ...

  • Epic Bike Rides of the World

    Discover 200 of the best places to ride a bike in this beautifully illustrated paperback. From family-friendly, sightseeing urban rides to epic adventures off the beaten track. Destinations range from France and Italy, for the world's great ...

  • Epic Bike Rides of the World EN

    Discover 200 of the best places to ride a bike in this beautifully illustrated hardback. From family-friendly, sightseeing urban rides to epic adventures off the beaten track. Destinations range from France and Italy, for the world's great bike races, to the wilds of Mongolia and Patagonia. These journeys will inspire - whether you are an experienced cyclist or just getting started. The book is organised by…

  • Liz Pichon Epic Adventure (kind of)

    The brand new hilarious and fully-illustrated instalment of the bestselling Tom Gates series! Having two sets of grandparents is turning out to be very good for me. The Wrinklies are keen on giving presents AND they're planning ...

  • Liz Pichon Epic Adventure (kind of)

    The brand new hilarious and fully-illustrated instalment of the bestselling Tom Gates series! Having two sets of grandparents is turning out to be very good for me. The Wrinklies are keen on giving presents AND they're planning a family outing which is going to be EPIC! Even Delia wants to come. (I can always ignore her.)

  • Enzyklopädie des Bildes

    První pokus o skutečně komplexní pohled na obraz jako umělecký artefakt v našich historických zemích. Autor, známý slovenský sběratel, seznamuje čtenáře se vším, co by měl každý, kdo se trochu zajímá o výtvarné umění, o...

  • Sandra Brown Envy EN

    Maris Matherly-Reed is a renowned New York book editor, the daughter of a publisher and the wife of bestselling author Noah Reed. It isn't often that an unsolicited submission so captivates her that she feels she must immediately meet its author. But Maris has just received a tantalizing partial manuscript submitted by a writer identified only as P.M.E., with the return address of an obscure island off the Georgia…

  • J.R. Ward Envy EN

    Seven deadly sins. Seven souls to save. And a man and a woman treading the lines of danger, desire and deliverance... As the son of a serial killer, homicide detective Thomas 'Veck' DelVecchio, Jr, grew up in the shadow of evil. Now, on the knife-edge between civic duty and blind retribution, he atones for the sins of his father - while fighting his inner demons. Assigned to monitor Veck is Internal Affairs officer…

  • Michael E. Kraft Environmental Policy EN

    Available this summer in its Eighth Edition, Rosenbaum's classic, comprehensive text once more provides definitive coverage of environmental politics and policy, lively case material, and a balanced assessment of current environmental issues. Notable revisions include: a completely revamped energy chapter covering conventional energy policy as well as a comparative examination of alternatives to current energy…

  • Jana Júdová, Danka Šalgovičová, Daniela Pavlovičová Environmental monitoring/Environmentálny monitoring

    Znečisťovanie životného prostredia rôznymi aktivitami človeka ohrozuje živé organizmy a zdravotný stav obyvateľstva. Do akej miery možno zaťažiť krajinný systém bez toho, aby v ňom nevznikali nezvratné negatívne zmeny? Na riešenie týchto problémov je nevyhnutné získať množstvo rýchlo dostupných, objektívnych a porovnateľných ekologických informácií, ktoré prispejú k efektívnejším rozhodnutiam a opatreniam na…

  • Kathryn Webster Environmental Management in the Hospitality Industry: A Guide for Students and Managers EN

    As the hospitality industry grows larger, it is having an increasing effect upon the environment. Aimed at both the student and professional in the industry, this text looks at the issues individuals and businesses need to tackle, such as water usage and waste management.

  • Elizabeth Fisher Environmental Law

    Environmental law is the law concerned with environmental problems. It is a vast area of law that operates from the local to the global, involving a range of different legal and regulatory techniques. In theory, environmental protection is a no ...
