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Knižky v cudzom jazyku (44203 kníh v kategórii )

Pozrite si novinky v kategórii Knižky v cudzom jazyku. Objednaj si dnes, aby si mohol čítať čo najskôr!

  • Salman Rushdie Fury EN

    From one of the world's truly great writers, Fury is a wickedly brilliant and pitch-black comedy about a middle-aged professor who finds himself in New York City in the summer of 2000. Not since the Bombay of Midnight's Children have a time and place been so intensely and accurately captured in a novel. Fury opens on a New York living at breakneck speed in an age of unprecedented decadence. Malik Solanka,, a…

  • Marian Keyes Further Under the Duvet EN

    Let's get one thing straight: I'm not an outdoorsy type. If I was offered the choice between white-water rafting and being savaged by a rabid dog, I'd be likely to tick the box marked dog. Slide further under the duvet with this second collection of Marian Keyes' unputdownable and utterly delectable journalism. It's the next best thing you could be doing in bed... and it's guaranteed not to let you down!

  • Marian Keyes Further Under the Duvet EN

    Slide Further Under the Duvet, get yourself comfortable and let Marian take you places you've never been before. Places like the Irish air-guitar championships, a shopping trip to Bloomingdales with a difference and Cannes with a chronic case of Villa-itis. Along the way you'll encounter knicker-politics, fake tans, sticky-out ears and passionate love affairs both with make-up and Toblerones. And of course, agony…

  • Barb Blair Furniture Makes the Room

    Chronicle Books: Knack Studio founder Barb Blair is famous for her 'knack' with furniture: spotting classic pieces and transforming them into modern showstoppers. In this inspiring book, Blair goes beyond the nuts-and-bolts of furniture refinishing to show how to style rooms with each customised piece. For instance, she transforms a tired coffee table with an ombrE-painted design, and then reveals how to incorporate…

  • Anna Yudina Furnitecture EN

    As the definition of designer expands and architects today create everything from jewelry to urban masterplans, a new wave of objects ranging from furniture to small-scale architectural inventions is transforming our interior spaces. Boosted by digital design and manufacturing possibilities, a rising global group of independent makers is making this crossover of furniture and architecture one of the hottest and most…

  • Casey Cep Furious Hours

    Reverend Willie Maxwell was a rural preacher accused of murdering five of his family members for insurance money in the 1970s. With the help of a savvy lawyer, he escaped justice for years until a relative shot him dead at the funeral of his last...

  • Kerstin Gier Für jede Lösung ein Problem DE

    Gerri schreibt Abschiedsbriefe an alle, die sie kennt, und sie geht nicht gerade zimperlich mit der Wahrheit um. Nur dummerweise klappt es dann nicht mit den Schlaftabletten und dem Wodka - und Gerris Leben wird von einem Tag auf den anderen so richtig spannend. Denn es ist nicht einfach, mit seinen Mitmenschen klarzukommen, wenn sie wissen, was man wirklich von ihnen hält! Lach-Therapie für alle Schwarzseher - oder…

  • Paul Merton Funny Ha Ha

    80 of the funniest stories ever written, selected and introduced by Paul Merton. From Anton Chekhov to Ali Smith, from P.G. Wodehouse to Nora Ephron, the greatest writers are those who know how to laugh...

  • Nick Hornby Funny Girl EN

    Nick Hornby's new novel is about popular culture, youth and old age, fame, class and teamwork. It offers a wonderfully captivating portrait of youthful exuberance and creativity, and of a period when both were suddenly allowed to flourish. Fans of Hornby will love this book, as will readers of David Nicholls, Mark Haddon and William Boyd.

  • Nick Hornby Funny Girl EN

    Funny Girl is the story of a popular 1960s tv comedy series. The writers, Tony and Bill, comedy obsessives, who each harbour a secret. The Oxbridge-educated director, Dennis, who loves his job but hates his marriage. The male star Clive, who feels he's destined for better things. And most of all Sophie Straw, once Barbara Parker, Miss Blackpool 1964, who's changed her name and abandoned her old life because she just…

  • Funny Faces EN

    Mudpuppy's Funny Faces Double Draw is a book of split images illustrated by Valeria Docampo. It's up to YOU to draw, color, mix and match to create some very funny faces.

  • Fungarium

    Illustrator Katie Scott returns to the Welcome to the Museum series with exquisite, detailed images of some of the most fascinating living organisms on this planet - fungi...

  • Jorge Angeles Fundamentals of Robotic Mechanical Systems EN

    Modern robotics dates from the late 1960s, when progress in the development of microprocessors made possible the computer control of a multiaxial manipulator. Since then, robotics has evolved to connect with many branches of science and engineering, and to encompass such diverse fields as computer vision, artificial intelligence, and speech recognition. This book deals with robots-such as remote manipulators,…

  • Aldo V. da Rosa Fundamentals of Renewable Energy Processes EN

    We are hearing a LOT about renewable energy these days! But unlike most available resources on alternative energy that focus on politics and economic impacts, da Rosa's practical guide, Fundamentals of Renewable Energy Processes, is dedicated to explaining the scientific and technological principles and processes that enable energy production from safe, renewable, clean sources. Advances in the renewable energy…

  • Adrián Jalč Fundamentals of Procedural Criminal Law EN

    This textbook has been specifically written for students studying law. Chapter 1 brings together a number of cases involving human rights. It also contains a new principle in the Slovak criminal procedure (for instance principle of proportionality, principle of opportunity etc.). Other chapters provide information about procedural institutions, evidentiary process in criminal proceedings, decisions, stages and…

  • Bryan Kolb, Ian Q. Whishaw Fundamentals of Human Neuropsychology EN

    With this updated edition, Bryan Kolb and Ian Whishaw again take students to the very forefront of one of the most eventful and impactful areas of scientific inquiry today, making an extraordinary amount of recent research and the real-world impact of those discoveries fascinating and accessible.

  • Michael N. DeMers Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems EN

    The Fourth Edition of this well-received text on the principles of geographic information systems (GIS) continues the author's style of straight talk in its presentation and is written to be accessible and easy to follow. Unlike most other GIS texts, this book covers GIS design and modeling, reflecting the belief that modeling and analysis are at the heart of GIS. This approach helps students understand and use GIS…

  • Peter Varga Fundamentals of European Union Law EN

    The publication presents an introduction to the European Union law. It provides information about functioning of the European Union and analyses the constitutional and institutional concept of the European Union. The publication covers the following areas of the European Union law: definition of the European Union, historical development of the European Communities and the European Union, obligations of the member…

  • Jithesh Sathyan Fundamentals of EMS, NMS and OSS/BSS

    n this era where data and voice services are available at a push of a button, service providers have virtually limitless options for reaching their customers with value-added services. The changes in services and underlying networks ...
