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Writing Extra EN
Writing Extra EN Book: Writing Extra EN
3 stars - 1
Students are led step-by-step to a definite written outcome through a range of motivating activities such as role plays, discussions, games and text analysis. Each activity provides a meaningful context for real-world writing tasks such as writing e-mails, reports, letters, CVs and diaries. The book encourages students to look at the process of writing, thus developing their awareness of structure, content and their target audience.
  1. Slovníky a učebnice

Writing Extra EN

Graham Palmer

Writing Extra EN

Graham Palmer

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Students are led step-by-step to a definite written outcome through a range of motivating activities such as role plays, discussions, games and text analysis. Each activity provides a meaningful context for real-world writing tasks such as writing e-mails, reports, letters, CVs and diaries. The book encourages students to look at the process of writing, thus developing their awareness of structure, content and their target audience.

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