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Why Men Don't Have a Clue EN
Why Men Don't Have a Clue EN Book: Why Men Don't Have a Clue EN
4 stars - 1
WHY MEN DON'T HAVE A CLUE AND WOMEN ALWAYS NEED MORE SHOES gives the low-down on some of the issues that have confused men and women for centuries. From channel-hopping to toilet seats, communication to shopping, relationship experts Allan and Barbara Pease show how you can make the most out of your relationships - or at least understand where your partner is coming from. Already an international No.1 bestseller, this is the essential - and highly entertaining - must-read guide to the opposite sex.
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Why Men Don't Have a Clue EN

Allan Pease , Barbara Pease

Why Men Don't Have a Clue EN

Allan Pease , Barbara Pease

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Doplnkové info

  • Vydavateľstvo: Orion
  • ISBN: 0752879405
  • Väzba: brožovaná

Popis knihy

WHY MEN DON'T HAVE A CLUE AND WOMEN ALWAYS NEED MORE SHOES gives the low-down on some of the issues that have confused men and women for centuries. From channel-hopping to toilet seats, communication to shopping, relationship experts Allan and Barbara Pease show how you can make the most out of your relationships - or at least understand where your partner is coming from. Already an international No.1 bestseller, this is the essential - and highly entertaining - must-read guide to the opposite sex.

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