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Päťdesiat súčasných umelcov na Slovensku
Päťdesiat súčasných umelcov na Slovensku Book: Päťdesiat súčasných umelcov na Slovensku
4 stars - 1
Cena: 20,00 €
Dvojjazyčná publikácia predstavuje tvorbu päťdesiatich kľúčových osobností slovenského umenia a je určená každému, kto sa chce zorientovať na domácej výtvarnej scéne. Popri už etablovaných umelcoch výber zahŕňa najmä progresívnych autorov mladej a strednej generácie, ktorých tvorba v poslednom desaťročí reaguje na súčasné umelecké trendy. Výber reprodukcií, ako aj charakteristiky umelcov pripravila pätica kurátorov Juraj Čarný, Barbora Geržová, Richard Gregor, Diana Majdáková a Katarína Müllerová, ktorí sa aktívne zúčastňujú umeleckého diania na Slovensku. Kniha vychádza v spolupráci a Art Academy. The book review: The publication Fifty Artists in Slovakia presents the creative work of fifty leading figures of Slovak contemporary art. The aim of the book is to provide the public with an immediate contact to contemporary art produced in Slovakia’s cultural environment. The popularization of contemporary art and making art accessible to the broader public is a topic discussed on both sides of the barricade – it is required by gallery visitors and potential art investors, as well as by artists, curators, theorists, art dealers, and gallery owners. The artists and works included in the publication were selected by five curators and art theorists: Juraj Čarný, Barbora Geržová, Richard Gregor, Diana Majdáková, and Katarína Müllerová. They focused on young and middle-aged artists, with an emphasis on the previous decade. The book offers a varied selection of artists and their works from many areas of non-commissioned visual arts (painting, object, installation, conceptual art, video art, etc.). The profiles of individual artists reflect the subjective views and specific approaches of individual art theorists. Maintaining long-term contacts with the artists, they have been able to provide more than a mere chronology of their lives and work. They put artists into the context of Slovak and international art, or offer a detailed description of artworks. The publication Fifty Artists in Slovakia serves as a guide to overcoming initial barriers when coming into contact with visual art. The ambition of the book is to serve prospective art collectors, art lovers, people interested in visual art, and students together with their teachers, as a gateway to the world of Slovak contemporary art. The publication is published in Slovak and English language.
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Päťdesiat súčasných umelcov na Slovensku

Diana Majdáková

Päťdesiat súčasných umelcov na Slovensku

Diana Majdáková

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leila (Dolná Strehová) Stav: Nová knižka 20,00 € Pridať do košíka
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Dvojjazyčná publikácia predstavuje tvorbu päťdesiatich kľúčových osobností slovenského umenia a je určená každému, kto sa chce zorientovať na domácej výtvarnej scéne. Popri už etablovaných umelcoch výber zahŕňa najmä progresívnych autorov mladej a strednej generácie, ktorých tvorba v poslednom desaťročí reaguje na súčasné umelecké trendy. Výber reprodukcií, ako aj charakteristiky umelcov pripravila pätica kurátorov Juraj Čarný, Barbora Geržová, Richard Gregor, Diana Majdáková a Katarína Müllerová, ktorí sa aktívne zúčastňujú umeleckého diania na Slovensku. Kniha vychádza v spolupráci a Art Academy. The book review: The publication Fifty Artists in Slovakia presents the creative work of fifty leading figures of Slovak contemporary art. The aim of the book is to provide the public with an immediate contact to contemporary art produced in Slovakia’s cultural environment. The popularization of contemporary art and making art accessible to the broader public is a topic discussed on both sides of the barricade – it is required by gallery visitors and potential art investors, as well as by artists, curators, theorists, art dealers, and gallery owners. The artists and works included in the publication were selected by five curators and art theorists: Juraj Čarný, Barbora Geržová, Richard Gregor, Diana Majdáková, and Katarína Müllerová. They focused on young and middle-aged artists, with an emphasis on the previous decade. The book offers a varied selection of artists and their works from many areas of non-commissioned visual arts (painting, object, installation, conceptual art, video art, etc.). The profiles of individual artists reflect the subjective views and specific approaches of individual art theorists. Maintaining long-term contacts with the artists, they have been able to provide more than a mere chronology of their lives and work. They put artists into the context of Slovak and international art, or offer a detailed description of artworks. The publication Fifty Artists in Slovakia serves as a guide to overcoming initial barriers when coming into contact with visual art. The ambition of the book is to serve prospective art collectors, art lovers, people interested in visual art, and students together with their teachers, as a gateway to the world of Slovak contemporary art. The publication is published in Slovak and English language.

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