Little Lord Fauntleroy EN
- Jazyk: anglický
- Žáner: Knižky v cudzom jazyku
- Počet strán: 80
- Rok vydania: 2016
Little Lord Fauntleroy EN
- Jazyk: anglický
- Žáner: Knižky v cudzom jazyku
- Počet strán: 80
- Rok vydania: 2016
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Enjoy reading about this little boy and discover if he stays true to himself even with all the changes in his life. In the mid-1880s, young Cedric Errol lives with his mother in New York. They are quite poor after the death of Cedric’s father, but live a simple happy life together. Then, one day, an English lawyer comes to visit them. He has a message from the Earl of Dorincourt, Cedric’s rich English grandfather that will change Cedric’s life forever. Will he be happy? Will he win the heart of his old angry grandfather?Syllabus: Verb tenses Past Simple vs Past Continuous; Present Perfect Simple with ever, never, just, already, yet, for and since Verb forms and patterns Negative question forms; Negative imperatives; Short questions; Passive forms: present simple and past simple; Verbs plus gerund, base form or infinitive Stage 2 - Pre-intermediate - 800 headwords - A2 ***** V 80. rokoch 19. storočia žije mladý Cedric Errol spolu s matkou v New Yorku. Sú chudobní, pretože jeho otec zomrel, no žijú spolu jednoduchým šťastným životom. Jedného dňa ich navštívi anglický právnik. Dostane správu od starého otcaEarla z Dorincourtu a Cedricov život sa navždy zmení. Bude s ním šťastný? Získa si srdce starého otca?
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