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Dmitry Glukhovsky Metro 2033 + Metro 2034 + Metro 2035
Výhodná kolekcia obsahuje všetky tri časti úspešnej série Metro.Metro 2033 Odvtedy, čo Arťom býva v metre na stanici VÚNCH, na povrchu bol iba raz, a aj to tajne. Po jadrovom výbuchu už totiž zem nie je pre ľudí bezpečná... Život na stanici je dobre zorganizovaný a prebieha takmer normálne, ale v sústavnom strachu – začali na ňu útočiť nebezpeční čierni mutanti. A preto sa Arťom podujme na splnenie úlohy od…
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Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic Storytelling with Data EN
Storytelling with Data teaches you the fundamentals of data visualization and how to communicate effectively with data. You'll discover the power of storytelling and the way to make data a pivotal point in your story. The lessons in this illuminative text are grounded in theory, but made accessible through numerous real-world example ready for immediate application to your next graph or presentation. Storytelling is…
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Miranda July No One Belongs Here More Than You EN
The bestselling, critically acclaimed winner of HTE 2007, Frank O'Connor International Short Story Award. Blisteringly good. (Guardian). In her remarkable stories of seemingly ordinary people living extraordinary lives, Miranda July reveals how a single moment can change everything. Whether writing about a middle-aged woman's obsession with Prince William or an aging bachelor who has never been in love, the result…
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J.D. Vance Hillbilly Elegy
Hillbilly Elegy is a passionate and personal analysis of a culture in crisis―that of white working-class Americans. The decline of this group, a demographic of our country that has been slowly disintegrating over forty years, has been reported on with growing frequency and alarm, but has never before been written about as searingly from the inside. J. D. Vance tells the true story of what a social, regional, and…
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J.D. Vance Hillbilly Elegy EN
Hillbilly Elegy’ is a passionate and personal analysis of a culture in crisisthat of white working-class Americans. The decline of this group, a demographic of our country that has been slowly disintegrating over forty years, has been reported on with growing frequency and alarm, but has never before been written about as searingly from the inside. J.D. Vance tells the true story of what a social, regional, and…
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Lisa See Tajemství hedvábného vějíře
Tajemství hedvábného vějíře nás zavádí do Číny 19. století. Dívky v Číně 19. století procházejí drastickou zkouškou podvazování chodidel a jako ženy jsou odsouzeny žít v izolaci. Proto se dorozumívají tajným písmem...
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Jodi Kantor, Megan Twohey She Said
On October 5, 2017, the New York Times published an article by Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey that helped change the world. For months Kantor and Twohey had been having confidential discussions with top actresses, former Weinstein employees ...
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Christopher Warwick Her Majesty EN
Meet the Queen: The public and private life of the world s most famous monarchBorn in 1926, married in 1947, crowned as Queen in 1953, Queen Elizabeth II has carried out her royal duty for more than six decades. This book tells her remarkable royal story through hundreds of stunning photographs, many published here for the first time.Brimming with history, politics, glamour, culture, world travel, and such icons of…
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Milan Čarňanský V spleti ciest
Príbeh mladého človeka, pred ktorým sa zdanlivo otvárajú všetky cesty - a predsa jeho sympatická neochota neprispôsobiť sa ustáleným konvenciám ho privádza na okraj spoločnosti.
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