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Dopyty na knihy (96008 žiadaných kníh)

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  • How the Body Works

    How The Body Works is a fascinating exploration of the weird and wonderful processes that occur within the human body, often without us knowing. Understand how our bodies keep us alive and thriving and get to the bottom ...

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  • Timelines of Everything

    Explore an illustrated history of the world through over 140 timelines for kids. From dinosaurs and Vikings to the history of cinema and espionage, discover incredible world history in this lavish collection of timelines. Jam-packed with surprising facts

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  • The Science Book EN

    Part of the popular Big Ideas series, The Science Book explores the history of science, how scientists have sought to explain our incredible universe and how amazing scientific discoveries have been made. Discover how Galileo worked out his scientific theories of motion and inertia, why Copernicus's ideas were contentious and what the discovery of DNA meant. All the big scientific ideas and discoveries are brought…

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  • The Ecology Book

    Explore ecology in this accessible introduction to how the natural world works and how we have started to understand the environment, ecosystems, and climate change. Using a bold, graphic-led approach, The Ecology Book explores and explains over 85 of the

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  • The Philosophy Book EN

    This is an innovative and accessible guide to more than 2,000 years of thought. To the complete novice learning about philosophy can be daunting - The Philosophy Book changes all that. With the use of powerful and easy-to-follow images, succinct quotations, and explanations that are easily understandable, this book cuts through any misunderstandings to demystify the subject. Each chapter is organised…

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  • Guy Winch Emotional First Aid EN

    First aid for failure. Although we have bandages for cuts, chicken soup for colds, and ice packs for bruises, most of us have no idea how to treat day-to-day emotional injuries such as failure, rejection, and loss. But, as Guy Winch, Ph.D., points out, these kinds of emotional injuries often get worse when left untreated and can significantly impact our quality of life. In this fascinating and highly practical book…

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  • Guy Winch Emotional First Aid EN

    We all sustain emotional wounds. Failure, guilt, rejection, and loss are as much a part of life as the occasional scraped elbow. But while we typically bandage a cut or ice a sprained ankle, our first aid kit for emotional injuries is not just understocked it’s nonexistent. Fortunately, there is such a thing as mental first aid for battered emotions. Drawing on the latest scientific research and using real-life…

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  • James Clear Atómové návyky

    Atómové návyky ponúkajú overený návod, ako sa každý deň zlepšiť o jedno percento bez ohľadu na svoje ciele. Zmenia spôsob, akým uvažujete o pokroku, a poskytnú vám nástroje a techniky, aby ste sa dokázali posunúť vyššie...

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  • Mark Hyman Food: WTF Should I Eat?

    No 1 New York Times bestselling author Dr Mark Hyman sorts through the conflicting research on food to give us the truth on what we should be eating and why...

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  • Henrieta Moravčíková Moderné a/alebo totalitné v architektúre 20. storočia

    Publikácia prináša podrobné informácie o vybraných špičkových dielach architektúry 20. storočia na Slovensku, pričom odkrýva zaujímavé a doteraz neznáme historické, spoločenské a kultúrne súvislosti ich vzniku. Jednotlivé objekty reprezentujú rôzne architektonické a výtvarné polohy, ktoré autoritatívne a totalitné režimy využívali na reprezentáciu a propagáciu svojej ideológie (Národná banka Slovenska v Bratislave…

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  • Kimberly Elman Zarecorová Utváření socialistické modernosti CZ

    V myslích laické veřejnosti i většiny architektů je poválečná česká a slovenská architektura a její typické projevy – sorela a panelová sídliště – spojena s představou vnuceného sovětského kulturního importu. Kniha Kimberly Elman Zarecorové ukazuje, jak je tento obecně přijímaný výklad zjednodušený. Autorka v ní mapuje složitě utvářenou a neustále se měnící krajinu profesních spolků a politických institucí, které…

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