Dopyty na knihy (98823 žiadaných kníh)
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Keith R.A. DeCandido Supernatural: Nevermore EN
Twenty-two years ago, Sam and Dean Winchester lost their mother to a mysterious and demonic supernatural force. Since then, they have grown up learning how to hunt and kill the paranormal evil that lives in the dark corners and on the back roads of America... When the brothers hit New York to check out a haunted house, they soon make a more grisly and suspicious discovery. A spate of killings, apparently based on…
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Rebecca Dessertine Supernatural - One Year Gone (Supernatural 7)
Twenty-three years ago, Sam and Dean Winchester lost their mother to a mysterious demonic supernatural force. In the years after, their father then taught them about the paranormal evil that lives in the dark corners and on the back roads of America...
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John Passarella Supernatural - Cold Fire (Supernatural 13)
A brand-new Supernatural novel that reveals a previously unseen adventure for the Winchester brothers, from the hit CW series! When a gruesome murder takes place in Braden Heights, Indiana, the local authorities suspect the disembowelled and eyeless...
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Tim Wagger Supernatural - Mythmaker (Supernatural 14)
Sam and Dean Winchester have spent their lives on the road, battling every kind of supernatural threat. Over the years, after dozens of bloody adventures, they have faced everything from the yellow-eyed demon that killed their mother to vampires...
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Brandon Bays Prežiť svoju cestu
Dostupné aj v atraktívnej kolekcii za výhodnú cenu! Liečebnou metódou Cesty sa inšpirovali milióny ľudí na celom svete, ktorí nasledujú učenie Brandon Bays, aby sa uzdravili, či už z fyzických chorôb alebo psychických problémov. Vydávajú sa do svojej minulosti na cestu duchovných zážitkov, aby dosiahli očistenie, zbavili sa zaťažujúcich skúseností a oslobodili od emocionálnych nánosov, ktoré ich neraz trápili aj…
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