Dopyty na knihy (96957 žiadaných kníh)
O tieto knižky je v Čarovnej poličke najväčší záujem. Pozri si a môžeš sa inšpirovať, možno sa niektorá z nich zapáči aj tebe :-)
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Vladimir Nabokov Lužinova obrana
Lužinovu postavu, hoci fiktívnu, kritici hodnotia ako najvernejšie zobrazeného Nabokovovho hrdinu. Lužin sa od detstva cíti cudzo vo svete, ktorý ho obklopuje, kým sa nestretne so šachom. Táto hra ho uchváti tak, že sa mu stáva životom. Po nesmiernych úspechoch však začne zlyhávať a prehrávať turnaje. Súperenie s Turantom pohltí všetky Lužinove myšlienky. V rovnakom čase stretáva svoju budúcu ženu a v jeho živote…
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Bram Stoker Dracula
A stunningly beautiful clothbound hardback edition of one of the most famous Gothic horror stories in the world. Jonathan Harker is travelling to Castle Dracula to see the Transylvanian noble, Count Dracula. He is begged by locals not to go there...
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Robert Masello Blood and Ice EN
When journalist Michael Wilde is commissioned to write a feature about a remote research station deep in the frozen beauty of Antarctica he is prepared for some extraordinary sights. But on a diving expedition in the polar sea he comes across something so extraordinary to be almost unbelievable - a man and woman chained together, deep in the ice. The doomed lovers are brought to the surface but as the ice begins to…
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J.C.H. King Blood and Land EN
Blood and Land is a dazzling, panoramic account of the history and achievements of Native North Americans, and why they matter today. It is about why no understanding of the wider world is possible without comprehending the original inhabitants of the United States and Canada: Native Americans, First Nations and Arctic peoples. This highly personal book, based on years of travel and first-hand research in North…
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George R.R. Martin Fire and Blood
From the masterly imagination behind A Game of Thrones - one of the greatest fantasy epics of all time and an unmissable HBO hit series - comes a definitive history of Westeros’s past as told by Archmaester Gyldayn...
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George R.R. Martin, Doug Wheatley (ilustrácie) Fire and Blood
The thrilling history of the Targaryens comes to life in this masterly work by the author of A Song of Ice and Fire, the inspiration for HBO’s Game of Thrones. With all the fire and fury fans have come to expect from internationally bestselling ...
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Michael Wolff Fire and Fury
With extraordinary access to the Trump White House, Michael Wolff tells the inside story of the most controversial presidency of our time. The first nine months of Donald Trump's term were stormy, outrageous - and absolutely mesmerising...
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Terry Pratchett The World of Poo EN
A charming tale for people of all sizes (but especially for Young Sam Vimes) from the pen of Miss Felicity Beedle, Discworld's premier children's author. From Snuff: 'Vimes' prompt arrival got a nod of approval from Sybil, who gingerly handed him a new book to read to Young Sam. Vimes looked at the cover. The title was The World of Poo. When his wife was out of eyeshot he carefully leafed through it. Well, okay,…
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Terry Pratchett, Melvyn Grant Where's My Cow? EN
At six o'clock every day, without fail, with no excuses, Sam Vimes must go home to read Where's My Cow?, with all the right farmyard noises, to his little boy. There are some things you have to do.It is the most loved and chewed book in the world. But his father wonders why it is full of moo-cows and baa-lambs when Young Sam will only ever see them cooked on a plate. He can think of a more useful book for a boy who…
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George R.R. Martin Hra o trůny (Grafický román - Svazek 1) CZ
Mistrovská epická fantasy se po televizním seriálu stanice HBO nyní dočkala i komiksové podoby. Zima se blíží. Takové je strohé motto rodu Starků, který spravuje jménem krále Roberta Baratheona, vládce Sedmi království, Severní léno. Jejich sídlem je Zimohrad, kde v míru a pohodlí žije strážce severu Eddard Stark se svou hrdou ženou Catelyn, syny Robbem, Brandonem a Rickonem, dcerami Sansou a Aryou a svým levobočkem…
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George R.R. Martin Oheň a krev
Staletí před událostmi líčenými ve Hře o trůny se rod Targaryenů – ti jediní z dračích pánů, kteří unikli Zkáze Valyrie – usídlil na Dračím kameni. Příběh Ohně a krve začíná u legendárního Aegona Dobyvatele, stvořitele Železného trůnu, a pokračuje...
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Pierre Lasenic Tarot CZ
Tarot je zázračným zrcadlem, v němž se odráží lidský život v nespočtu fazet a dráždí každého svou imaginativní, tajemnou podobou, již nepotlačí žádná exaktní logika, žádný výsměch a žádná filosofie. Tarot není sám o sobě určen výhradně k vykládání, t. j. k předvídání událostí v čase, nýbrž hlavně ke kabalistickým, astrologickým, kosmologickým a jiným esoterickým pracím. Autorem kreseb je Vladislav Kužel, nejlepší…
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