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  • Sylvia Plath The Bell Jar

    The Bell Jar chronicles the crack-up of Esther Greenwood: brilliant, beautiful, enormously talented, and successful, but slowly going under — maybe for the last time. Sylvia Plath masterfully draws the reader into Esther's breakdown with such intensity t

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  • Sylvia Plath Crossing the Water

    Crossing the Water and Winter Trees contain the poems written during the exceptionally creative period of the last years of Sylvia Plath’s life. Published posthumously in 1971, they add a startling counterpoint to Ariel, the volume that made her reputation. Readers will recognise some of her most celebrated poems – ‘Childless Woman’, ‘Mirror’, ‘Insomniac’ – while discovering those still overlooked, including her…

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  • Sylvia Plath Collected Poems EN

    This volume contains all of Sylvia Plath's mature poetry written from 1956 up to her death in 1963. It was awarded the 1981 Pulitzer Prize for Poetry. The text is preceded by an introduction by Ted Hughes and followed by notes and comments on individual poems. An appendix contains 50 earlier poems.

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  • Sylvia Plath Ariel EN

    Ariel (1965) contains many of Sylvia Plath's best known poems written in an extraordinary burst of creativity just before her death in 1963. The first of four collections to be published by Faber & Faber, it is the volume on which her reputation as one of the most original, daring and gifted poets of the twentieth century rests. What a thrill - My thumb instead of an onion. The top quite gone Except for a sort of…

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  • Sylvia Plath Ariel

    The poems in Sylvia Plath's Ariel, including many of her best-known such as 'Lady Lazarus', 'Daddy', 'Edge' and 'Paralytic', were all written between the publication in 1960 of Plath's first book, The Colossus, and her death in 1963...

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  • Karen V. Kukil Journals of Sylvia Plath 1950 - 1962 EN

    This is a transcription of the journals kept by Sylvia Plath over the last 12 years of her life. It gives insight into her final years and the evolution of her last poems.

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  • Karen V. Kukil The Journals of Sylvia Plath EN

    This is a transcription of the journals kept by Sylvia Plath over the last 12 years of her life. It gives insight into her final years and the evolution of her last poems.

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  • Sylvia Plath, Karen Kukil (editor), Peter K. Steinberg (editor) The Letters of Sylvia Plath

    Sylvia Plath (1932-1963) was one of the writers that defined the course of twentieth-century poetry. Her vivid, daring and complex poetry continues to captivate new generations of readers and writers. In the Letters, we discover the art of Plath's correspondence, most of which has never before been published and is here presented unabridged, without revision, so that she speaks directly in her own words.…

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  • Sylvia Plath The Letters of Sylvia Plath

    The second volume of this landmark edition of Sylvia Plath's correspondence.

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  • Sylvia Plath The Letters of Sylvia Plath

    Sylvia Plath (1932-1963) was one of the writers that defined the course of twentieth-century poetry. Her vivid, daring and complex poetry continues to captivate new generations of readers and writers. In the Letters, we discover the art of Plath's corresp

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  • Sylvia Plath Letters of Sylvia Plath

    Sylvia Plath (1932-1963) was one of the writers who defined the course of twentieth-century poetry. In the Letters, we discover the art of Plath's correspondence. Most has never before been published, and it is here presented unabridged, without...

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  • Marián Čurda, Valéria Mašterová Všeobecná histológia

    Už dlhšiu dobu na Slovensku chýba moderný a výučbovo vhodný učebný text zo všeobecnej histológie. Autori tohto učebného textu sa rozhodli túto skutočnosť zmeniť a napísali učebnicu Všeobecnej histológie, kde vysvetľujú základne morfologické, fyziologické a imunologické aspekty jednotlivých typov tkanív u človeka v dosť rozsiahlom ponímaní. Kniha je rozdelená na 7 kapitol, v ktorých sú zhrnuté nielen základné…

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