Yan Lianke (4 knihy)
Yan Lianke Služ lidu! CZ
Sžíravá satira pranýřující pokrytectví a šílenství kulturní revoluce, jedno z nejtemnějších období moderních čínských dějin. Děj novely čínského spisovatele Jen Lien-kchea se odehrává v provincii Che-nan v prostředí armády v období tzv. kulturní revoluce, kdy byl Mao Ce-tungův kult na vrcholu a pouhé znevažování jeho podobizny se trestalo smrtí. Černá parodie na politická a sexuální tabu Maova režimu, pro niž si…
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Yan Lianke The Day the Sun Died
This gripping dystopia contrasts the reality of life in China today with the sunny optimism of the `Chinese dream'. One dusk in early June, in a town deep in the Balou mountains, fourteen-year-old Li Niannian notices that something strange is going on...
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Yan Lianke The Explosion Chronicles
With the Yi River on one side and the Balou Mountains on the other, the village of Explosion was founded a thousand years ago by refugees fleeing a volcanic eruption. But in the post-Mao era, the rural community grows into a vast megalopolis...
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Yan Lianke The Four Books
In the ninety-ninth district of a sprawling labour camp, the Author, Musician, Scholar, Theologian and Technician - and hundreds just like them - are undergoing Re-education, to restore their revolutionary zeal and credentials...