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Volker Weidermann (3 knihy)

  • Volker Weidermann Ostend EN

    It’s the summer of 1936, and the writer Stefan Zweig is in crisis. His German publisher no longer wants him, his marriage is collapsing, and his house in Austria—searched by the police two years earlier—no longer feels like home. He’s been dreaming of Ostend, the Belgian beach town that is a paradise of promenades, parasols, and old friends. So he journeys there with his lover, Lotte Altmann, and reunites with…

  • Volker Weidermann Ostende CZ

    Belgické přímořské letovisko s celou svou historií a vznešeností je místem, kde se sejdou ti, kdo už v nacistickém Německu nemají domov: zakázaní básníci Stefan Zweig, Joseph Roth, Irmgard Keunová, Kisch a Toller, Koestler a Kesten. Volker Weidermann vypráví o jejich nadějích, lásce, zoufalství - a o tom, co se stalo s jejich životy. Stefan Zweig přicestoval se svou milovanou Lotte a psacím strojem. Joseph Roth…

  • Volker Weidermann Summer Before the Dark

    Ostend, 1936: the Belgian seaside town is playing host to a coterie of artists, intellectuals and madmen, who find themselves in limbo while Europe gazes into an abyss of fascism and war. Among them is Stefan Zweig, a man in crisis: his German publisher has shunned him, his marriage is collapsing, his house in Austria no longer feels like home. Along with his lover Lotte, he seeks refuge in this paradise of…
