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Virginia Woolf (52 kníh)

  • Virginia Woolf Orlando EN

    Written for her lover Vita Sackville-West, ‘Orlando' is Woolf's playfully subversive take on a biography, here tracing the fantastical life of Orlando. As the novel spans centuries and continents, gender and identity, we follow Orlando's adventures in love – from being a lord in the Elizabethan court to a lady in 1920s London. First published in 1928, this tale of unrivalled imagination and wit quickly became the…

  • Virginia Woolf Orlando

    Virginia Woolfová sa v románe Orlando vyrovnáva s problémom pohlavnej identity, ktorým sa zaoberá celý život. Knihu venovala svojej dlhodobej priateľke (a krátkodobej milenke) Vite Sackville-Westovej. Príbeh anglického šľachtica Orlanda sa odohráva za vlády kráľovnej Alžbety I. Kráľovná prisľúbi Orlandovi obrovský majetok, ale len pod podmienkou, že ostane večne mladý. Orlandovi sa darí pomocou záhadných síl túto…

  • Virginia Woolf Orlando

    Orlando je piatou knihou z edície Knižná klasika denníka SME. Román v čase vydania zožal väčší úspech ako oveľa známejšie autorkine knihy. Počas deja 36-ročný muž prechádza výraznou premenou – stane sa z neho žena. Zmena pohlavia mu umožňuje pozerať sa na veci, ľudí aj udalosti z odlišného uhla pohľadu.

  • Virginia Woolf Orlando

    Román Orlando (Orlando, č. 1994) z roku 1928 hrál pro autorku zcela zásadní roli, patrně je to i nejdelší milostný dopis, který kdy v literatuře vznikl, a Woolfová jej píše sobě samé. Orlando je téměř nesmrtelná bytost, na své cestě prochází...

  • Virginia Woolf Orlando

    Once described as the 'longest and most charming love-letter in literature', the Virginia Woolf's Orlando is edited by Brenda Lyons with an introduction and notes by Sandra M. Gilbert in Penguin Classics. Written for ...

  • Virginia Woolf Paní Dallowayová CZ

    Londýnské jitro, červen 1923. Paní Clarissa Dallowayová jde do květinářství pro výzdobu na svůj dnešní večírek. Než však tahle událost pro lidi z lepších kruhů nastane, strávíme v její společnosti obyčejný den, který nás nenechá na pochybách, že pod slupkou stárnoucí, průměrné středostavovské paničky bije srdce se stejně vroucí pravidelností, s jakou se na Toweru každou čtvrthodinu hlásí Big Ben. Woolfová však…

  • Virginia Woolf Pani Dallowayová

    Román Pani Dallowayová, ktorý sa pokladá za prvé majstrovské dielo Virginie Woolfovej, vyšiel prvý raz v roku 1925. Dej sa odohrá za jediný deň, no za neveľký časový úsek sa rozprávanie rozbieha do nekonečných hlbín ľudského vedomia. Hlavná hrdinka, bohatá Londýnčanka Clarissa Dallowayová, pripravuje večernú párty pre svojich priateľov. V jej detailných reflexiách okolitého sveta a v spomienkach sa súčasný príbeh…

  • Virginia Woolf Selected Short Stories

    'Why, if one wants to compare life to anything, one must liken it to being blown through the Tube at fifty miles an hour - landing at the other end without a single hairpin in one's hair! Shot out at the feet of God entirely naked! ...

  • Virginia Woolf Street Haunting EN

    In May 2005 Penguin will publish 70 unique titles to celebrate the company's 70th birthday. The titles in the Pocket Penguins series are emblematic of the renowned breadth of quality of the Penguin list and will hark back to Penguin founder Allen Lane's vision of 'good books for all'.

  • Virginia Woolf The Voyage Out EN

    The young Rachel Vinrance leaves England on her father’s ship, the Euphrosyne, on a voyage to South America. Despite being accompanied by her father and her aunt and uncle, Helen and Ridley Ambrose, the passage leads to Rachel’s awakening, both as a woman and as an individual. As the ship is wracked by storms, she finds herself romantically entangled with Richard Dalloway, an encounter that leaves her troubled and…

  • Virginia Woolf The Waves

    Tracing the lives of a group of friends, The Waves follows their development from childhood to middle age. While social events, individual achievements and disappointments form its narrative, the novel is most remarkable for ...

  • Virginia Woolf The Years

    WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY SUSAN HILL The Years follows the lives of the Pargiters, a large middle-class London family, from an uncertain spring in 1880 to a party on a summer evening in the 1930s. We see them each endure and remember heart-break, loss, radical change and stifling conformity, marriage and regret. Written in 1937, this was the most popular of Virginia Woolf's novels during her lifetime, and is a…

  • Virginia Woolf The Years

    The Years is the story of the Pargiter family - their intimacies and estrangements, anxieties and triumphs - mapped out against the bustling rhythms of London's streets during the first decades of the twentieth century, ...

  • Virginia Woolf To the Lighthouse EN

    Mr and Mrs Ramsay and their eight children have always holidayed at their summer house in Skye, surrounded by family friends. The novel's opening section teems with the noise, complications, bruised emotions, joys and quiet tragedies of everyday family life that might go on forever. But time passes, bringing with it war and death, and the summer home stands empty until one day, many years later, when the family…

  • Virginia Woolf To the Lighthouse

    The Lighthouse was then a silvery, misty-looking tower with a yellow eye that opened suddenly and softly in the evening' To the Lighthouse is at once a vivid impressionistic depiction of a family holiday, and a meditation on marriage, on parenthood ...

  • Virginia Woolf To The Lighthouse

    Mr and Mrs Ramsay and their eight children have always holidayed at their summer house in Skye, surrounded by family friends. But as time passes, bringing with it war and death, the summer home stands empty until one day, many years later, ...

  • Virginia Woolf To the Lighthouse

    For years now the Ramsays have spent every summer in their holiday home in Scotland, and they expect these summers will go on forever; but, as the First World War looms, the integrity of family and society will be fatally challenged...

  • Virginia Woolf Tři guineje / Vlastní pokoj CZ

    V eseji Tři Guineje, která vznikla roku 1938, se Woolfová myšlenkově vyrovnává s hrozbou války a s otázkou, jak se má v dané situaci zachovat žena. Její nečekaná, pro mnohé provokativní odpověď, která odmítá přijmout zhoubnou dualitu fronty a týlu, se snaží proniknout klamavými zástěrkami onoho míru, jenž je pouze pokračováním války jinými prostředky, a vede k rozboru oné agresivity, jež hluboce proniká i sférami…

  • Virginia Woolf Tri guiney

    Slávna esej slávnej anglickej spisovateľky vychádza v slovenčine po prvý raz (v preklade Jany Juráňovej). Autorka v nej skúma vzťah medzi vojnou, spoločnosťou a kultúrou, resp. vzdelávaním, a zisťuje hrozivé súvislosti medzi tradičným postavením žien a fašizmom.
