Tony Blair (3 knihy)
Tony Blair A Journey EN
In 1997, Tony Blair won the biggest Labour victory in history to sweep the party to power and end eighteen years of Conservative government. He has been one of the most dynamic leaders of modern times; few British prime ministers have shaped the nation's course as profoundly as Blair during his ten years in power, and his achievements and his legacy will be debated for years to come. Now his memoirs reveal in…
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Tony Blair A Journey EN
In 1997, Tony Blair won the biggest Labour victory in history to sweep the party to power and end eighteen years of Conservative government. He has been one of the most dynamic leaders of modern times; few British prime ministers have shaped the nation's course as profoundly as Blair during his ten years in power, and his achievements and his legacy will be debated for years to come. Now his memoirs reveal in…
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Tony Blair Moje cesta CZ
MOJE CESTA je pojednáním o povaze a využití politické moci. Upřímně, přímočaře, podrobně a mnohdy s břitkým nadhledem líčí Tony Blair vzestupy a propady své politické dráhy a nabízí tak pohled na sebe jako na člověka, nejen významného politika a státníka. Zamýšlí se nad problémy, se kterými se vůdce musí vyrovnávat, a vysvětluje, proč si navzdory tlaku veřejného mínění stál za svým rozhodnutím. Obrací se také do…