Tom Hutchinson (138 kníh)
Tom Hutchinson Project English 3 - Student's Book EN
Učebnica angličtiny, ktorá pokračuje v spôsobe prezentovaniagramatiky v predchadzajúcich stupňoch Project English 1 a Project English 2. Zvýrazňuje sa však viac funkčná stránka jazyka. Zábavná časť knihy nadväzuje na ídeu The Canterbury Tales.V nejskupina mladých ľudí tvorí kočovnú spoločnosť nazvanú Canterbury Holidays. Všetci spoločne sa túlajúpo krajine a sprevádzajú nás zážitkami a cestami, ktoré prešli. …
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Tom Hutchinson Project English 3 - Teacher's Book EN
Učebnica angličtiny určená pre začiatočníkov a deti od 10 rokov s podtitulom : Učenie cez myslenie. Autor v nej ponúka gramatiku analytickou formou, ponúka ju ako individuálny problém každého žiaka, ktorého tým zároveň učí myslieť mimo pravidiel gramatiky a jednotlivé problémy zvládať svojpomocne. Cez úlohy v Projecte majú deti príležitosť hovoriť o svojom živote a opisovať svoje nové zážitky. Dôležitou časťou sú…
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Tom Hutchinson Project English 3 - Workbook EN
Učebnica angličtiny určená pre začiatočníkov a deti od 10 rokov s podtitulom : Učenie cez myslenie. Autor v nej ponúka gramatiku analytickou formou, ponúka ju ako individuálny problém každého žiaka, ktorého tým zároveň učí myslieť mimo pravidiel gramatiky a jednotlivé problémy zvládať svojpomocne. Cez úlohy v Projecte majú deti príležitosť hovoriť o svojom živote a opisovať svoje nové zážitky. Dôležitou časťou sú…
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M. Trnová, J. Hardy-Gould, Tom Hutchinson Project Fourth Edition 1
This new edition of Tom Hutchinson's bestselling course combines all the aspects that students and teachers loved from the previous edition with exiting new digital components, extra resources and more teacher support than ever before...
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Tom Hutchinson Project Fourth Edition 3
This new edition of Tom Hutchinson's bestselling course combines all the aspects that students and teachers loved from the previous edition with exiting new digital components, extra resources and more teacher support than ever before...
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Tom Hutchinson Project Fourth Edition 4
This new edition of Tom Hutchinson's bestselling course combines all the aspects that students and teachers loved from the previous edition with exiting new digital components, extra resources and more teacher support than ever before...
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Tom Hutchinson Project Plus - Student´s Book EN
Project is a five-level English course which starts from beginner level and is based on the principle of creating interest in young minds through motivating topics which bring English to life. Contents: People in our lives Lifestyles Strange but true Entertainment Risk Changes Ideal places Getting there
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Andrew Fairhurst, Tom Hutchinson Project Plus - Teacher´s Book EN
Project is a five-level English course which starts from beginner level and is based on the principle of creating interest in young minds through motivating topics which bring English to life.
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Tom Hutchinson Project Plus - Workbook EN
Project is a five-level English course which starts from beginner level and is based on the principle of creating interest in young minds through motivating topics which bring English to life.
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Tom Hutchinson Project the Third Edition 2
Nejnovější, třetí vydání oblíbené učebnice pro ZŠ. Pracovní sešit obsahuje instrukce ke cvičením v češtině, anglicko-český slovníček, přehled mluvnice v češtině a cvičení označená dle stupně obtížnosti...
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Tom Hutchinson Project the Third Edition 3 Student´s Book CZ
Tried, tested, trusted ... and now even better! Teachers all over the world trust Project. This brand-new edition has been improved and updated in direct response to feedback from teachers. The tried and tested methodology, together with the wide range of material presenting real language in real contexts, will inspire a new generation of English learners from the ages of 9-10 years. Key featuresNew, clear…
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Tom Hutchinson Project Video 1: Video Guide EN
A unique resource, offering video-led project work for young learners.
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Tom Hutchinson Project Video 2: Activity Book EN
A unique resource, offering video-led project work for young learners.
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Tom Hutchinson Project Video 2: Video Guide EN
A unique resource, offering video-led project work for young learners.
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Tom Hutchinson Project Video 3: Activity Book EN
A unique resource, offering video-led project work for young learners.
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Tom Hutchinson Project Video 3: Video Guide EN
A unique resource, offering video-led project work for young learners.