Tom Holland (13 kníh)
Tom Holland Dominion
Christianity is the most enduring and influential legacy of the ancient world, and its emergence the single most transformative development in Western history. Even the increasing number in the West today who have abandoned the faith of their ...
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Tom Holland Dynastie
Římu nejprve vládli králové a pak se stal republikou. Ale poté co dobyl svět, se jeho republika zhroutila a Řím se topil v krvi. Občanské války byly tak strašné, že římský lid nakonec přivítal vládu autokrata, který mu dokázal...
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Tom Holland Dynastie
Římu nejprve vládli králové a pak se stal republikou. Ale poté co dobyl svět, se jeho republika zhroutila a Řím se topil v krvi. Občanské války byly tak strašné, že římský lid nakonec přivítal vládu autokrata, který mu dokázal...
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Tom Holland Dynasty EN
Rome was first ruled by kings, then became a republic. But in the end, after conquering the world, the Republic collapsed. Rome was drowned in blood. So terrible were the civil wars that the Roman people finally came to welcome the rule of an autocrat who could give them peace. 'Augustus', their new master called himself: 'The Divinely Favoured One'. The lurid glamour of the dynasty founded by Augustus has never…
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Tom Holland Dynasty EN
Rome was first ruled by kings, then became a republic. But in the end, after conquering the world, the Republic collapsed. Rome was drowned in blood. So terrible were the civil wars that the Roman people finally came to welcome the rule of an autocrat who could give them peace. 'Augustus', their new master called himself: 'The Divinely Favoured One'. The lurid glamour of the dynasty founded by Augustus has never…
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Tom Holland Dynasty - The Rise and fall of the House of Ceasar
Rome was first ruled by kings, then became a republic. But in the end, after conquering the world, the Republic collapsed. Rome was drowned in blood. So terrible were the civil wars that the Roman people finally came to welcome the rule of an autocrat who could give them peace. 'Augustus', their new master called himself: 'The Divinely Favoured One'. The lurid glamour of the dynasty founded by Augustus has never…
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Tom Holland In The Shadow Of The Sword EN
In the 6th century AD, the Near East was divided between two venerable empires: the Persian and the Roman. A hundred years on, and one had vanished forever, while the other seemed almost finished. Ruling in their place were the Arabs: an upheaval so profound that it spelt, in effect, the end of the ancient world. In The Shadow of the Sword, Tom Holland explores how this came about. Spanning Constantinople to the…
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Tom Holland In the Shadow of the Sword EN
In the 6th century AD, the Near East was divided between two great empires: the Persian and the Roman. A hundred years on, and one had vanished for ever, while the other was a dismembered, bleeding trunk. In their place, a new superpower had arisen: the empire of the Arabs. So profound was this upheaval that it spelled, in effect, the end of the ancient world. But the changes that marked the period were more than…
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Tom Holland Persian Fire EN
In his award-winning book PERSIAN FIRETom Holland gives us a brilliant account of the world’s first clash of civilisations as the Persians met the Greeks in 480 BC. When Xerxes, King of Persia attacked Greece the result of the invasion should have been a formality. Decisive, rapid, spectacular victory was surely theirs by right – after all in the space of a generation the Persian army had swept across the Near East,…
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Tom Holland Perský oheň CZ
Východ a Západ se spolu poprvé utkaly před 2 500 lety. Počátkem 5. století př. n. l. se jistá globální supervelmoc rozhodla přimět dva státy, které vnímala jako teroristické, k poctivosti a pořádku. Onou supervelmocí byla Persie. Její králové založili první impérium světa, které ve své době nemělo konkurenta. Za teroristické státy byly považovány Atény a Sparta, dvě výstřední města v chudé, hornaté a zaostalé zemi…
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Tom Holland Rubikon CZ
Římská republika byla bezesporu nejpozoruhodnějším státem v dějinách. Hrstka vesničanů se usadila mezi bažinami a malými pahorky a jejich potomci dobyli celý známý svět. Hollandova kniha přináší živý obraz republiky v zenitu její velikosti, která měla nakonec stát u počátku jejího pádu a transformace v císařskou diktaturu. Zachycuje období Julia Caesara, jehož posedlost slávou dovedla až k břehům říčky Rubikon a k…
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Tom Holland, Amy Goodson Swim, Bike, Run, Eat EN
It's race day and you have your quick-closure running shoes, sleek suits, bikes, goggles, and watches, but if you haven't been training with the proper nutrition, you'll be left in the dust in the third mile. Enter Swim, Bike, Run, Eat to guide you through day one of training to the finish line and help your body perform at the peak of fitness. In this book, an ideal companion to author Tom Holland's The 12-Week…
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Tom Holland Ve stínu meče CZ
V šestém století našeho letopočtu byl Blízký východ rozdělen na dvě mocenská centra – Persii a Byzanc. O sto let později byla perská říše zničena, zatímco východořímská říše se potácela na hranici rozpadu, rozdrobena na oslabené části původního impéria. Na jejich místo se dostala nová velmoc – Arabská říše. Její bleskový vzestup znamenal ve svém důsledku konec starověkého světa. Změny, které nastaly v době islámské…