Thomas More (5 kníh)
Thomas More The Utopia
In Thomas More’s hugely influential Utopia, a traveller recounts his discovery of an island nation in which the inhabitants enjoy unprecedented social cohesion and justice. The book imagines a community in which laws, personal relations and...
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Thomas More Utopia EN
In Utopia Thomas More painted a fantastical picture of a distant island where society is perfected and people live in harmony, yet its title means `no place`, and More`s hugely influential work was ultimately an attack on his own corrupt, dangerous times, and on the failings of humanity. Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves - and each other. They have…
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Thomas More Utópia
Prvý slovenský preklad diela Thomasa Mora Utópia (vyšlo r. 1516 v Antverpách) obohatí náš knižný trh o nosné klasické dielo, ktoré sa dostalo do učebníc, no doposiaľ u nás z neho vyšli len fragmenty. Toto je teda v slovenčine prvé kompletné vydanie. Rozprávanie o živote na fiktívnom ostrove Utópia sa začína stretnutím troch postáv, medzi ktorými sa rozprúdi rozhovor tvoriaci vlastný obsah diela. Thomas More a…
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Thomas More Utopia
With an Introduction by Mishtooni Bose. More's Utopia is a complex, innovative and penetrating contribution to political thought, culminating in the famous 'description' of the Utopians, who live according to the principles of natural law, but are receptive to Christian teachings, who hold all possessions in common, and view gold as worthless. Drawing on the ideas of Plato, St Augustine and Aristotle, Utopia was to…
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Thomas More Utópia
Rozprávanie o živote na fiktívnom ostrove Utópia sa začína stretnutím troch postáv, medzi ktorými sa rozprúdi rozhovor tvoriaci vlastný obsah diela. Thomas More a Peter Giles počúvajú rozprávanie fiktívnej postavy, „scestovaného“...