Thomas Hardy (40 kníh)
Thomas Hardy Daleko od hlučícího davu CZ
Román Daleko od hlučícího davu patří k nejzářivějším pokladům anglické literatury. Už jeho první vydání v roce 1874 se stalo literární senzací, kniha se vyprodala během pouhých dvou měsíců a Thomasi Hardymu vynesla reputaci předního spisovatele viktoriánské doby. Čím kniha tolik zaujala ve své době a čím dodnes oslovuje další generace čtenářů? Hardyho román v sobě úchvatně kombinuje romantickou love story s…
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Thomas Hardy Far From the Madding Crowd
Far From the Madding Crowd was the first of Hardy’s novels to give the name of Wessex to the landscape of south-west England and is set against the backdrop of the unchanging natural cycle of the year. The story both upholds and questions rural...
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Thomas Hardy Tess of the D´Urbervilles EN
In defying convention and making a milkmaid the subject tragedy, Hardy given rein to his feeling for landscape and rural life- its harshness, seasonal rhythms and reminders of death and resurrection - nad endows them with a brooding symbolism and visionary beauty.
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Thomas Hardy Tess of the D'Urbervilles EN
Into his story of a simple but beautiful country girl's seduction by another man which causes her husband to leave her on their wedding night and thereby precipitates a course of events that ends in murder, Hardy wove a luminous tenderness and longing. I have never been able to put on paper all that she is, or was to me, he said. In defying convention and making a milkmaid the subject of tregedy, Hardy gave rein to…
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Thomas Hardy Tess of the D'Urbervilles EN
Into his story of a simple but beautiful country girl's seduction by another man which causes her husband to leave her on their wedding night and thereby precipitates a course of events that ends in murder, Hardy wove a luminous tenderness and longing. I have never been able to put on paper all that she is, or was to me, he said. In defying convention and making a milkmaid the subject of tregedy, Hardy gave rein to…
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Thomas Hardy Far from the Madding Crowd EN
Independent and spirited Bathsheba Everdene has come to Weatherbury to take up her position as a farmer on the largest estate in the area. Her bold presence draws three very different suitors: the gentleman-farmer Boldwood, soldier-seducer Sergeant Troy and the devoted shepherd Gabriel Oak. Each, in contrasting ways, unsettles her decisions and complicates her life, and tragedy ensues, threatening the stability of…
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