Ted Hughes (12 kníh)
Ted Hughes A March Calf
Right from the start he is dressed in his best - his blacks and his whites. Little Fauntleroy - quiffed and glossy, A Sunday suit, a wedding natty get-up,Standing in dunged straw For older readers than the first two volumes of Collected Animal Poems, ...
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Ted Hughes KRÁ
Komponovaná básnická kniha s názvom Krá (Crow) je najvýznamnejším dielom Teda Hughesa. Vyšla v roku 1970.
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Ted Hughes, Jim Downer (ilustrátor) Plnou parou vpred, Timmy!
Knihu Plnou parou vpred, Timmy! nakreslil v polovici päťdesiatych rokov minulého storočia Jim Downer a verše k obrázkom napísal slávny anglický básnik Ted Hughes. Kniha sa dlhý čas sa považovala za stratenú, ale roku 2008 sa ju podarilo objaviť...
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Ted Hughes Príbehy o stvorení
Z obsahu: Ako sa zrodila veľryba Príbehy z počiatku sveta Krotiteľ snovPreklad: Marián Andričík
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Ted Hughes Season Songs
Spring will marry you. A promise! Cuckoo brings the message: May. O new clothes! O get your house ready!Expectation keeps you starry. But at which church and on what day?In these poems Ted Hughes invites the reader to try and ....
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Ted Hughes The Iron Man EN
Part modern fairy tale, part science fiction myth, The Iron Man describes the unexpected arrival in England of a mysterious giant metal man who wreaks havoc on the countryside by attacking the neighbouring farms and eating all their machinery. A young boy called Hogarth befriends him and he and the extraordinary being end up defending and saving the earth when it is attacked by a fearsome space-bat-angel-dragon from…
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Ted Hughes, Chris Mould (illustrácie) The Iron Man
Mankind must put a stop to the dreadful destruction by the Iron Man and set a trap for him, but he cannot be kept down. Then, when a terrible monster from outer space threatens to lay waste to the planet, it is the Iron Man who finds a way to save the ...
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Ted Hughes The Iron Wolf
Animals of air, land and sea are brilliantly imagined in this perfect introduction for young readers to the work of Ted Hughes. Part of Hughes's Collected Animal Poems, The Iron Wolf is for the youngest readers, both to listen to and explore themselves...
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Ted Hughes The Thought Fox
Cold, delicately as the dark snowA fox's nose touches twig, leaf; Two eyes serve a movement, that nowAnd again now, and now, and nowSets neat prints into the snowBetween trees, and warily a lameShadow lags by stump and in hollow...
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Ted Hughes What is the Truth?
First published in 1984, this book of prose-linked animal poems won both the Guardian Children's Fiction Award and the Signal Poetry Award...
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Ted Hughes Železný muž CZ
Přečtěte si příběh, ve kterém to rachtá a skřípe, o zradě a přátelství, strachu a nedorozumění a taky jednom velkém vítězství z pera slavného britského básníka Teda Hughese. S napětím pak budete sledovat noční oblohu, zda se nějaká hvězda nezačíná nebezpečně přibližovat či zda nezahlédnete ve svitu měsíce siluetu vesmírného draka.
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Ted Hughes Železný muž
Železný muž má hlavu veľkú ako kontajner, hruď širokú ako vagón, jeho ruky sú ako ramená žeriavov, obeduje traktory, ploty a pluhy. Dokážu ľudia so Železným mužom žiť?Dokážu sa s ním spriateliť? Príbeh, ktorý sa stal modernou legendou.