Téa Obreht (7 kníh)
Téa Obreht, Téa Obreht Inland
In the lawless, drought-ridden lands of the Arizona Territory in 1893, two extraordinary lives collide. Nora is an unflinching frontierswoman awaiting the return of the men in her life—her husband, who has gone in search of water for the parched...
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Téa Obreht, Téa Obreht Inland
Nora is an unflinching frontierswoman awaiting the return of the men in her life, biding her time with her youngest son - who is convinced that a mysterious beast is stalking the land around their home - and her husband's seventeen-year-old cousin, ...
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Téa Obreht, Téa Obreht Inland
The New York Times bestselling author of The Tiger's Wife returns with a stunning tale of perseverance—an epic journey across an unforgettable landscape of magic and myth...
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Téa Obreht Odmítám si vybrat
Oblíbená autorka bestselerů a přispěvatelka deníku New York Times Barbara Sherová označuje lidi s podobným jedinečným typem mysli obhlížitelé. Namísto ponoření do jediného zájmu obhlíží obzor, dychtiví zkoumat všechno, co vidí. V této průkopnické knize se nejenom poučíte o tomto výjimečném ustrojení obhlížitelské mysli, ale také na vás čeká Barbařin program, kterým ze sebe pozvolna setřesete negativní nálepky,…
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Téa Obreht, Téa Obreht The Tiger's Wife
'Having sifted through everything I have heard about the tiger and his wife, I can tell you that this much is fact: in April of 1941, without declaration or warning, the German bombs started falling over the city and did not stop for three days...
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Téa Obreht, Téa Obreht Tiger's Wife
A spellbinding journey through the troubled history and colourful folklore of the Balkans, from the youngest ever winner of the Orange Prize. Natalia is on a quest: to discover the truth about her beloved grandfather...