Sting (3 knihy)
Sting Broken Music CZ
Broken Music není v žádném případě jen klasickou autobiografií a faktografickým výčtem životních zkušeností a událostí. Je především o muži „uvnitř“, o jeho desetileté snaze uchopit vlastní hudební múzu spojující jazzové základy a jeho hudební instinkty. A mimo jiné v ní popisuje i snahu vypořádat se s komplikovaným citovým odkazem bouřlivého manželství svých rodičů.
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Sting Broken Music EN
I pore over Beatles albums with the same obsessive and forensic scrutiny that I'd applied to Rodgers and Hammerstein, only now I have a guitar. I have an instrument that can reproduce the practical magic of the chord structures and the network of riffs that their songs are built on. And what songs, one after the other, album after album. I learn to play them all, confident that if I persevere, what I can't play…
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Sting Lyrics by Sting EN
Sting and The Police have been global stars ever since their first hit with Roxanne. Now, for the first time, Sting has collected his song lyrics since 1978 and publishes them in a handsome hardback volume. Lyrics is a comprehensive collection of Sting's song lyrics spanning his entire career from the early days of the The Police through to Sacred Love, his latest album. Song lyrics are presented in album order,…