Steve Mould (3 knihy)
Steve Mould Baktérie
Bojovné baktérie, zákerné zárodky, hnusné huby a všelijaké vírusy... Vieš, že prvé baktérie sa objavili už pred 3,6 miliardami rokov? Teda oveľa, oveľa skôr ako ľudia? Počul si, že existuje jeden neuveriteľný druh baktérií, ktoré sú...
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Steve Mould How to be a Scientist EN
Discover the skills it takes to become a scientist in DK's new science book for kids with science presenter and comedian Steve Mould. Being a scientist isn't just about wearing a lab coat and performing science experiments in test tubes. It's about looking at the world and trying to figure out how it works. As well as simple science projects for kids to try, How to Be a Scientist will teach them how to think like a…
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Helen Arney, Steve Mould The Element in the Room
The Element in the Room will take you on a rib-tickling, experiment-fuelled adventure to explain everyday science that is staring you in the face. If you are sci-curious, pi-curious or just the-end-is-nigh-curious then this is the book for you.