Stephen R. Covey (44 kníh)
Stephen R. Covey Primary Greatness EN
Stephen R. Covey believed there were only two ways to live life: a life of primary greatness or a life of secondary greatness. Through his books and speaking, he taught that the intrinsic rewards of primary greatness - integrity, responsibility and contribution - far outweighed the extrinsic rewards of secondary greatness - money, popularity and the self-absorbed, pleasure-ridden life that some people consider …
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Stephen R. Covey Primary Greatness
Stephen R. Covey believed there were only two ways to live life: a life of primary greatness or a life of secondary greatness. Through his books and speaking, he taught that the intrinsic rewards of primary greatness - integrity, responsibility and contribution - far outweighed the extrinsic rewards of secondary greatness - money, popularity and the self-absorbed, pleasure-ridden life that some people consider …
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Stephen R. Covey, Craig Gygi, Neil DeCarlo, Bruce Williams Six Sigma for Dummies EN
The world’s largest and most profitable companies – including the likes of GE, Bank of America, Honeywell, DuPont, Samsung, Starwood Hotels, Bechtel, and Motorola – have used Six Sigma to achieve breathtaking improvements in business performance, in everything from products to processes to complex systems and even in work environments. Over the past decade, over $100 billion in bottom – line performance has been…
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Stephen R. Covey, Craig Gygi, Neil DeCarlo, Bruce Williams Six Sigma for Dummies EN
The world’s largest and most profitable companies – including the likes of GE, Bank of America, Honeywell, DuPont, Samsung, Starwood Hotels, Bechtel, and Motorola – have used Six Sigma to achieve breathtaking improvements in business performance, in everything from products to processes to complex systems and even in work environments. Over the past decade, over $100 billion in bottom–line performance has been…
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Stephen R. Covey The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families EN
Presents the reader with a holistic, integrated and principle-centred approach to creating a powerful and positive relationship within the family.
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Stephen R. Covey The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People EN
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is recognised as one of the most influential books ever written. In this seminal work, Stephen R. Covey presents a holistic, integrated, principle-centred approach for solving personal and professional problems. With penetrating insights and pointed anecdotes, Covey reveals a step-by-step pathway for living with fairness, integrity, honesty and human dignity — principles that…
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Stephen R. Covey The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People EN
THE 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE is recognised as one of the most influential books ever written. In this seminal work, Stephen R. Covey presents a holistic, integrated, principle-centred approach for solving personal and professional problems. With penetrating insights and pointed anecdotes, Covey reveals a step-by-step pathway for living with fairness, integrity, honesty and human dignity — principles that…
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Stephen R. Covey The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, the beloved classic that has sold over 20 million copies worldwide, is celebrating its 25th anniversary with this reissue! With a new foreword, the wisdom of the 7 Habits still holds true after all these years...
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Stephen R. Covey The 8th Habit
Dr Stephen R. Covey was named one of America's 25 most influential people by Time magazine. With this book, he provides a new leadership model designed for today's world of rapid change.
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Stephen R. Covey The 8th Habit from Effectiveness to Greatness EN
Profound, compelling, and stunningly timely, this groundbreaking book of next-level thinking gives a clear way to finally tap the limitless value-creation promise of the “Knowledge Worker Age.” The world has changed dramatically since the classic, internationally bestselling The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People was published, influencing tens of millions. The challenges and complexity we all face in our…
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Stephen R. Covey The 8th Habit from Effectiveness to Greatness EN
The world has changed dramatically since the classic, internationally bestselling The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People was published, influencing tens of millions. The challenges and complexity we all face in our relationships, families, professional lives and communities are of an entirely new order of magnitude. In order to thrive, innovate, excel and lead in what Covey calls the new Knowledge Worker Age, we…
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Stephen R. Covey The Wisdom and Teachings of Stephen R. Covey EN
Stephen R Covey passed away in July 2012, leaving behind a legacy unmatched in his writings about leadership, time management, effectiveness and success, even love and family. The Wisdom and Teachings of Stephen R. Covey is a compilation of his most profound, inspiring teachings and sayings. Among the topics covered in this book are time management, success, leadership - including principle-centered leadership - all…
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Stephen R. Covey To nejdůležitější na první místo CZ
Kniha To nejdůležitější na první místo přináší odlišný pohled na řízení času, který je úplně nový - i starý zárověn. Opírá se o klasické, nadčasové principy, jež výrazně kontrastují s myšlenkami podporujícími přístup k životu založený na snaze rychle a s minimální námahou řešit problémy, získat majetek a hojnost požitků. Moudrost získaná a ověřená životem mnoha generací říká, že smysluplná život nezávisí na tom, jak…
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Stephen R. Covey To nejdůležitější na první místo CZ
Potřebuji více času! Chci mít více ze života. Jenže na sebe nemám nikdy čas. Jsem neustále v časové tísni, protože odkládám věci na později – a odkládám je na později, protože jsem v časové tísni. Můj osobní a pracovní život nejsou vyvážené. Když věnuji více času jednomu na úkor druhého, vše se ještě zhorší. Lidé si neustále stěžují na to, s jakými překážkami se musí dnes a denně potýkat ve snaze docílit, aby…
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Stephen R. Covey, Breck England Třetí alternativa CZ
Ve své nejnovější - a bohužel i poslední - knize autor bestselleru 7 návyků... představuje nový, vysoce účinný způsob řešení problémů, jimž každodenně čelíme ve svém profesním i osobním životě. Ukazuje, jak překonat tradiční postupy řešení konfliktů a nalézat takové, jež budou přijatelné pro všechny zúčastněné strany. Nejlepší postup není ani ten „můj“, ani „tvůj“, ale postup kvalitativně „vyšší“ představující…
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Stephen R. Covey Vedení založené na principech CZ
Další bestseller světoznámého odborníka na vedení lidí představuje nové paradigma, dalece přesahující klasické techniky vedení založené na vnějších faktorech. Zatímco hodnoty, okolnosti a životní zaměření se mohou měnit, principy jsou kompasem, který nám vždy a za všech okolností ukazuje správnou cestu jak v osobním, tak pracovním životě. Naučit se novému způsobu vedení, jehož podstatu výstižně vyjadřuje rčení Dejte…