Stephen King (484 kníh)
Stephen King 11.22.63 EN
WHAT IF you could go back in time and change the course of history? WHAT IF the watershed moment you could change was the JFK assassination? 11/22/63, the date that Kennedy was shot - unless . . . King takes his protagonist Jake Epping, a high school English teacher from Lisbon Falls, Maine, 2011, on a fascinating journey back to 1958 - from a world of mobile phones and iPods to a new world of Elvis and JFK, of…
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Stephen King 11.22.63 EN
WHAT IF you could go back in time and change the course of history? WHAT IF the watershed moment you could change was the JFK assassination? 11.22.63, the date that Kennedy was shot - unless . . . King takes his protagonist Jake Epping, a high school English teacher from Lisbon Falls, Maine, 2011, on a fascinating journey back to 1958 - from a world of mobile phones and iPods to a new world of Elvis and JFK, of…
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Stephen King 22. 11. 1963
Dvadsiateho druhého novembra 1963 zazneli v Dallase tri výstrely, prezident Kennedy padol mŕtvy a svet sa zmenil. Čo keby ste dostali možnosť tomu zabrániť? Stephen King tentoraz berie čitateľov na neuveriteľnú cestu do minulosti. Jake Epping, tridsaťpäťročný učiteľ angličtiny z mestečka Lisbon Falls v štáte Maine, si privyrába vyučovaním v kurzoch pre dospelých. Požiada svojich študentov, aby napísali slohovú prácu…
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Rafael Albuquerque, Stephen King, Scott Snyder American Vampire (Volume 1) EN
This first volume of the critically acclaimed series collects issues #1-5 and follows two stories: one written by Scott Snyder and one written by Stephen King, both with art by superstar Rafael Albuquerque. Snyder's tale follows Pearl, a young woman living in 1920s Los Angeles, who is brutally turned into a vampire and sets out on a path of righteous revenge against the European monsters who tortured and abused her.…
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Stephen King Bag of Bones EN
When bestselling crime writer Mike Noonan's wife dies, he suffers from writer's block. Until he is drawn from Derry to his lakeside retreat, Sara Laughs - a house once inhabited by a famous singer. It's a community run by rich, tyrannical, wheelchair-bound Devore and his terrifying, skeletal female bookkeeper. Devore is hell-bent on getting custody of his grandchild. Three year old Kyra and her young mother, Mattie,…
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Stephen King Bag of Bones EN
When Mike Noonan's wife dies unexpectedly, the bestsellin author suffers from writer's block. Until he is drawn to his summer home, the beautiful lakeside retreat called Sara Laughs. Here, Mike finds the once familiar town in the tyrannical grip of millionaire Max Devore. Devore is hellbent on getting custody of his deceased son's daughter and is twisting the fabric of the community to this purpose.
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Stephen King Bag of Bones
He went to Dark Score Lake to confront his past. Now he might drown in it. When Mike Noonan's wife dies unexpectedly, the bestselling author suffers from writer's block. Until he is drawn to his summer home, the beautiful lakeside retreat called Sara ...
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Stephen King Bazaar
King ou l'art d'enraciner dans les petits faits les plus insignifiants de la vie quotidienne le suspense et l'épouvante.
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Stephen King Bazar zlých snů CZ
Nová povídková kniha slavného mistra napětí obsahuje i texty, které ještě nikdy knižně nevyšly! Každý příběh je navíc opatřen úvodem o tom, kdy a jak vznikal a co vedlo Stephena Kinga k tomu, aby ho vytvořil. Povídky spojuje téma morálky, viny a posmrtného života – při čtení máme možnost si klást řadu závažných otázek, například co bychom udělali jinak, kdybychom viděli do budoucnosti nebo kdybychom mohli napravit…
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Stephen King Běh o život CZ
Běh o život napsaný Stephenem Kingem pod pseudonymem Richard Bachman zná český čtenář pod názvem Running Man a takto byl uveden do distribuce i film s Arnoldem Schwarzeneggerem (sám King filmu na chuť příliš nepřišel). Sci-fi z nedaleké budoucnosti líčí temnými barvami industriální svět, nikoli nepodobný totalitě. Zábavu apatickým masám obstarává jediný televizní kanál, který vysílá obskurní zvrácené soutěže, z…
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Stephen King Bezhviezdna tma
Bezhviezdna tma je zbierka štyroch noviel – 1922, Veľký šofér, Férové predĺženie, Dobré manželstvo –, záhadných, temných, s prvkami hororu, dokumentujúcich autorovo majstrovstvo aj v tomto žánri. Je v nich však viac ako len štedrá dávka hrôzy... Prečo sa farmár, ktorého svet v roku 1922 stojí na pokraji zatiaľ netušenej krízy, rozhodne brutálne zavraždiť manželku? Prečo donúti svojho nedospelého syna, aby mu pri…
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Stephen King Black House EN
Jack Sawyer is a retired Los Angeles homicide detective living in the small hamlet of Tamarak, Wisconsin. He has no recollection of the events twenty years ago that led him to a parallel universe called the Territories to save his mother from certain death. When a series of gruesome murders occurs in western Wisconsin, Jack´s buddy, the local chief of police, begs Jack to help the inexperienced force find the killer…
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Stephen King, Peter Straub Black House EN
A comfortable, solid, middle-American town - inhabited by a serial killer...Children are disappearing, lost to the world, horrifically murdered. The best clue the detectives have - a serial killer from a century ago. Jack Sawyer, retired from the LAPD at 35, plagued by visions of another world. As a child, Jack visited the Territories, a menacing place of violence and madness, to save his dying mother. Now, if the…