Simon Ings (4 knihy)
Simon Ings Headlong EN
Post-cyberpunk SF that recalls the darkness of M. John Harrison and the wild visual imagination of China Mieville and Hannu Rajaniemi, HEADLONG felt ahead of the curve when first published and now serves to show just why Simon Ings has remained on the cutting edge of genre fiction. Surgically connected to their swarming robotic workers, architects Christopher and Joanne Yale are turning the moon into a paradise. But…
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Simon Ings Stalin a vědci CZ
Kniha byla v roce 2016 nominována na Baillie Gifford Prize, nejprestižnější britskou cenu za literaturu faktu. Podnětné a mrazivé dílo, jež nám ukazuje, jak byli vědci v rodícím se Sovětském svazu obětováni sovětskému snu o vybudování ideálního státu.“ – Kirkus Reviews V první polovině dvacátého století sovětský státní aparát v čele s Josifem V. Stalinem nadšeně podporoval a financoval práci vědců, ale zároveň je…
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Simon Ings Stalin and the Scientists EN
Longlisted for the The Baillie Gifford Prize for Non-Fiction 2016. An epic story of courage, genius and terrible folly, this is the first history of how the Soviet Union's scientists became both the glory and the laughing stock of the intellectual world. Simon Ings weaves together what happened when a handful of impoverished and underemployed graduates, professors and entrepreneurs, collectors and charlatans, bound…
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Simon Ings Stalin and the Scientists EN
War-torn, unstable and virtually bankrupt, revolutionary Russia tried to light its way to the future with the fitful glow of science. It succeeded through terror, folly and crime - but also through courage, imagination and even genius. Stalin believed that science should serve the state and with many disciplines having virtually unlimited funds, by the time of his death in 1953, the Soviet Union boasted the largest…