Scott Reintgen (8 kníh)
Scott Reintgen Nyxia EN
Every life has a price in Scott Reintgen pulse-pounding new sci-fi adventure, Nyxia, as a group of teens are taken to the far reaches of the universe and forced to decide what they're willing to risk for a lifetime of fortune. Emmett Atwater isn't just leaving Detroit; he's leaving Earth. Why the Babel Corporation recruited him is a mystery, but the number of zeroes on their contract has him boarding their…
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Scott Reintgen Nyxia
Emmett Atwater isn't just leaving Detroit; he's leaving Earth. Why Babel recruited him is a mystery, but the number of zeroes on his contract has him boarding their lightship and hoping to return to Earth with enough money to take care of his family, ...
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Scott Reintgen Nyxia
Nejmocnější zbraň. Nejvyšší cena. Vítěz bere vše. Nyxia – nejcennější látka ve vesmíru dokáže proměnit váš bídný život v lesk a slávu. Ale při pokusu o její získání můžete ztratit víc než jen...
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Scott Reintgen Nyxia nespoutaná
Zpočátku si Emmett Atwater říkal, že to bude snadná výhra. Posbírat body. Shrábnout prachy. Vrátit se domů. Ale netrvalo dlouho a zjistil, že Babylon nehraje čistě. Jejich plané sliby vystřídaly temné vyhlídky. Teď si spolu s dalšími členy posádky...
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Scott Reintgen Nyxia Uprising
In this electrifying conclusion, the Genesis team face a final, desperate battle to ensure their very survival and secure their way home. The Genesis team finds their escape from the planet cut off after their launch station is destroyed...