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Sarah Helm (3 knihy)

  • Sarah Helm A Life in Secrets EN

    During World War Two the Special Operation Executive's French Section sent more than 400 agents into Occupied France - at least 100 never returned and were reported 'Missing Believed Dead' after the war. Twelve of these were women who died in German concentration camps - some were tortured, some were shot, and some died in the gas chambers. Vera Atkins had helped prepare these women for their missions, and when the…

  • Sarah Helm If This is a Woman EN

    On a sunny morning in May 1939 a phalanx of 800 women - housewives, doctors, opera singers, politicians, prostitutes - were marched through the woods fifty miles north of Berlin, driven on past a shining lake, then herded through giant gates. Whipping and kicking them were scores of German women guards. Their destination was Ravensbr?ck, a concentration camp designed specifically for women by Heinrich Himmler, prime…

  • Sarah Helm Loyalty EN

    In the weeks leading up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the pressure on the UK government to commit to joining the American cause was escalating. And in one household the pressure had completely erased the line between the political and the personal - the home Tony Blair's Chief of Staff.
