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Santa Montefiore (8 kníh)

  • Santa Montefiore Daughters of Castle Deverill EN

    The sweeping new novel from number one bestselling author Santa Montefiore. It is 1925 and the war is long over. But much has been lost and life will never truly be the same again. Castle Deverill, cherished home to the Deverill family in the west of Ireland for hundreds of years, has burned to the ground. But young and flighty Celia Deverill is determined to restore the sad ruin to its former glory. Celia married…

  • Santa Montefiore Nezábudková sonáta

    Pôvabná mladá Audrey, vychovaná v duchu prísnych zásad malej anglickej komunity žijúcej vlastným životom na okraji argentínskeho hlavného mesta, to nemá ľahké, keď sa zaľúbi do mladého citovo nevyrovnaného bohéma. Rodinná tragédia celú situáciu iba skomplikuje a ovplyvní Audreinu budúcnosť po boku muža, ku ktorému ju srdce nikdy neťahalo. Až narodenie dvoch dcér rozptýli chmáry a život dostáva nový zmysel. Cesty…

  • Santa Montefiore Songs of Love and War EN

    Their lives were mapped out ahead of them. But love and war will change everything. Castle Deverill, nestled in the rolling Irish hills, is home to three very different women: flame-haired Kitty Deverill, her best friend and daughter of the castle's cook, Bridie Doyle, and her flamboyant English cousin, Celia Deverill. When war breaks out, the lives of all three are changed forever. Wrenched apart by betrayal, their…

  • Santa Montefiore Stretneme sa pod stromom ombu

       Sofia Solanasová vyrastá na veľkolepom ranči v srdci argentínskej pampy, kde sa prelínajú vznešené tradície argentínskej šľachty a mysticizmus domorodých gaučov. Rozmaznaná, vzdorovitá, vynachádzavá a hrdá Sofia je miláčikom všetkých, čo ju obklopujú, okrem jej matky, pôvodom Írky, ktorá trestá dcéru za svoj pocit odcudzenia a menejcennosti, zatiaľ čo synov nekriticky zbožňuje. Temperamentná Sofia sa vrhá do…

  • Santa Montefiore Temptation of Gracie

    Never give up on your dreams, no matter how long you hold on to them. When Gracie Burton stumbles upon an advertisement for a week-long cookery course in the heart of the Tuscan countryside, ...

  • Santa Montefiore The Last Secret of the Deverills

    It is 1939 and peace has flourished since the Great War ended. But much has changed for the Deverill family and now a new generation is waiting in the wings...

  • Santa Montefiore The Summer House EN

    Antoinette's world has fallen apart: her husband, the man she has loved for as long as she can remember, has died tragically in an accident. He was her rock, the man she turned to for love and support, the man she knew better than she knew herself. Or at least so she thought... For as she arrives at the familiar old stone church for George's funeral, she sees a woman she has never met before. And in that instant,…
