Salman Rushdie (50 kníh)
Salman Rushdie Klaun Šalimar CZ
Když je na prahu losangeleského domu své dcery zavražděn někdejší hrdina protinacistického odboje a velvyslanec USA v Indii Maximilian Ophuls, vše nasvědčuje politickému pozadí činu, jehož pachatelem je Ophulsův osobní řidič „klaun Šalimar“, muslimský rodák z Kašmíru. Navzdory Ophulsově významné roli v protiteroristických aktivitách americké vlády se však ukáže, že motivy vraždy jsou výhradně osobního rázu: jejich…
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Salman Rushdie Luka a Oheň života CZ
Rodinu vypravěče fantastických příběhů Rašída Chalífy, žijící ve městě Kahání v zemi Álifbái, postihne neštěstí, když věhlasný vypravěč neočekávaně upadne do spánku tak hlubokého, že jej není možné vzbudit. Aby jeho mladší syn Luka, obávající se, že svým neuvážlivým chováním nese na tragédii přímou vinu, otce zachránil, musí na pouti Královstvím kouzel překonat řadu bizarních překážek, aby se zmocnil potřebného Ohně…
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Salman Rushdie Luka and the Fire of Life EN
On a beautiful starry night in the city of Kahani in the land of Alifbay a terrible thing happened: twelve-year-old Luka’s storyteller father, Rashid, fell suddenly and inexplicably into a sleep so deep that nothing and no one could rouse him. To save him from slipping away entirely, Luka must embark on a journey through the Magic World, encountering a slew of phantasmagorical obstacles along the way, to steal the…
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Salman Rushdie Maurův poslední vzdech CZ
Mnohovrstevným životním příběhem Maura Moraese Zogoibyho, příslušníka bombajské obchodnické dynastie, potvrzuje světoznámý britský prozaik indického původu znovu svou pověst originálního vypravěče a brilantního stylisty. Moraesovu tragickou i komickou románovou zpověď je možné vnímat jako složitý organismus vzniklý prolínáním a vrstvením několika rovin reality a textu, jako nemilosrdný portrét moderní Indie i jako…
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Salman Rushdie Maurův poslední vzdech CZ
Mnohovrstevným životním příběhem Maura Moraese Zogoibyho, příslušníka bombajské obchodnické dynastie, potvrzuje světoznámý britský prozaik indického původu znovu svou pověst originálního vypravěče a brilantního stylisty. Moraesovu tragickou i komickou románovou zpověď je možné vnímat jako složitý organismus vzniklý prolínáním a vrstvením několika rovin reality a textu, jako nemilosrdný portrét moderní Indie i jako…
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Salman Rushdie Midnight's Children EN
Anyone who has spent time in the developing world will know that one of Bombay's claims to fame is the enormous film industry that churns out hundreds of musical fantasies each year. The other, of course, is native son Salman Rushdie—less prolific, perhaps than Bollywood, but in his own way just as fantastical. Though Rushdie's novels lack the requisite six musical numbers that punctuate every Bombay talkie, they…
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Salman Rushdie Pán Zlatého domu
Rushdieho najnovší román v mnohom pôsobí ako alúzia na súčasnú politickú situáciu v Spojených štátoch. Do New Yorku sa z utajovanej krajiny prisťahuje záhadný miliardár Nero Golden so svojimi tromi...
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Salman Rushdie Quichotte
In a tour-de-force that is both an homage to an immortal work of literature and a modern masterpiece about the quest for love and family, Booker Prize-winning, internationally bestselling author Salman Rushdie has created a dazzling ...
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Salman Rushdie Quichotte
In a tour-de-force that is both an homage to an immortal work of literature and a modern masterpiece about the quest for love and family, Booker Prize-winning, internationally bestselling author Salman Rushdie has created a dazzling...
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Salman Rushdie Satanské verše CZ
Poté co letoun indických aerolinií na lince z Bombaje do Londýna exploduje při teroristickém útoku, řítí se indičtí herci Džibríl Farišta a Saládín Čamča spolu s troskami letadla k zasněženému anglickému pobřeží. Výbuch i pád z výšky téměř devíti kilometrů oba jako zázrakem přežijí, tím však jejich podivuhodný příběh nekončí. Překvapivá fyzická proměna, kterou oba projdou, i jejich další dramatické osudy ukazují, že…
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Salman Rushdie Shalimar The Clown EN
Los Angeles, 1991. Maximilian Ophuls, one of the makers of the modern world, is knifed to death in broad daylight on the doorstep of his illegitimate daughter India, slaughtered by his Kashmiri driver, a mysterious figure who calls himself Shalimar the Clown. The dead man is a World War II Resistance hero, a man of formidable intellectual ability and much erotic appeal, a former United States ambassador to India,…
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Salman Rushdie Shalimar The Clown EN
Los Angeles, 1991. Maximilian Ophuls is knifed to death on the doorstep of his illegitimate daughter India, slaughtered by his Kashmiri driver, a mysterious figure who calls himself Shalimar the Clown. The dead man is a World War II Resistance hero, a man of formidable intellectual ability and much erotic appeal, a former United States ambassador to India, and subsequently America’s counter-terrorism chief. The…
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Salman Rushdie Shalimar The Clown EN
Shalimar the Clown was once a figure full of love and laughter. His skill as a tightrope walker was legendary in his native home of Kashmir. But fate has played him cruelly, torn him away from his beloved home and brought him to Los Angeles, where he works as a chauffeur. One morning he gets up, goes to work, and brutally slays his employer, America’s former counter-terrorist chief Maximilian Ophuls, in full view of…
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Salman Rushdie Shame EN
Omar Khayyam Shakil had three mothers who shared the symptoms of pregnancy, as they did everything else, inseparably. At their six breasts, Omar was warned against all feelings and nuances of shame. It was training which would prove useful when he left his mothers' fortress (via the dumb-waiter) to face his shameless future. As captivating fairy-tale, devastating political satire and exquisite, uproarious…
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Salman Rushdie The Enchantress of Florence EN
A tall, yellow-haired young European traveler calling himself 'Mogor dell'Amore', the Mughal of Love, arrives at the court of the real Grand Mughal, the Emperor Akbar, with a tale to tell that begins to obsess the whole imperial capital. The stranger claims to be the child of a lost Mughal princess, the youngest sister of Akbar's grandfather Babar: Qara Koz, 'Lady Black Eyes', a great beauty believed to possess…
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Salman Rushdie The Enchantress of Florence EN
A tall, yellow-haired young European traveler calling himself 'Mogor dell 'Amore', the Mughal of Love, arrives at the court of the real Grand Mughal, the Emperor Akbar, with a tale to tell that begins to obsess the whole imperial capital. The stranger claims to be the child of a lost Mughal princess, the youngest sister of Akbar's grandfather Babar: Qara Koz, 'Lady Black Eyes', a great beauty believed to possess…
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Salman Rushdie The Golden House
When powerful real-estate tycoon Nero Golden immigrates to the States under mysterious circumstances, he and his three adult children assume new identities, taking 'Roman' names, and move into a grand mansion in downtown Manhattan. Arriving shortly after the inauguration of Barack Obama, he and his sons, each extraordinary in his own right, quickly establish themselves at the apex of New York society.The story of…
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Salman Rushdie The Golden House
When powerful real-estate tycoon Nero Golden immigrates to the States under mysterious circumstances, he and his three adult children assume new identities, taking 'Roman' names, and move into a grand mansion in downtown Manhattan...
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Salman Rushdie The Satanic Verses EN
First published in 1988 and now reissued in paperback, a contemporary novel about religion, from the author of MIDNIGHT'S CHILDREN. Two Indian actors fall to Earth after their aeroplane is blown-up by terrorists, and they become involved in the battle between Good and Evil, as a great prophet wrestles with his faith and duty to God.
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Salman Rushdie Two Years Eight Months and Twenty-Eight Nights EN
In the near future, after a storm strikes New York City, the strangenesses begin. A down-to-earth gardener finds that his feet no longer touch the ground. A graphic novelist awakens in his bedroom to a mysterious entity that resembles his own sub-Stan Lee creation. Abandoned at the mayor's office, a baby identifies corruption with her mere presence, marking the guilty with blemishes and boils. A seductive gold…
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Salman Rushdie Two Years Eight Months and Twenty-Eight Nights EN
From Salman Rushdie, one of the great writers of our time, comes a spellbinding work of fiction that blends history, mythology, and a timeless love story. A lush, richly layered novel in which our world has been plunged into an age of unreason, Two Years Eight Months and Twenty-Eight Nights is a breathtaking achievement and an enduring testament to the power of storytelling. In the near future, after a storm…