Ruby Wax (7 kníh)
Ruby Wax A Mindfulness Guide for the Frazzled EN
500 years ago no-one died of stress: we invented this concept and now we let it rule us. We might have evolvedto be able to miraculously balance on seven-inch heels, but as far as our emotional development is concerned we're still swimming with the pond scum. If we don't advance our more human qualities then we're doomed evolution-wise to become cyborgs, with an imprint of an 'Apple' where our hearts used to be.…
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Ruby Wax A Mindfulness Guide for the Frazzled
500 years ago no-one died of stress: we invented this concept and now we let it rule us. We might have evolved to be able to miraculously balance on seven-inch heels, but as far as our emotional...
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Ruby Wax How to Be Human
It took us 4 billion years to evolve to where we are now. No question, anyone reading this has won the evolutionary Hunger Games by the fact you're on all twos and not some fossil. This should make us all the happiest species alive - most of us aren't, what's gone wrong? We've started treating ourselves more like machines and less like humans. We're so used to upgrading things like our iPhones: as soon as the new…
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Ruby Wax How to Be Human
In How to be a Human, Ruby Wax tries to come up with some answers to that niggling question about who we are. With the input of a monk (an expert on our inner lives) and a neuroscientist (an expert on the brain), Ruby explores how to find ...
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Ruby Wax How to Be Human
How to be Human is the only manual you need to help you upgrade your mind as much as you've upgraded your iphone. 'With this marvellous book, Ruby Wax has confirmed her position as one of the most readable, inspirational and engaging writers in ...
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Ruby Wax Nový rozumný svět CZ
Nejúspěšnější britský bestseller, který představuje zábavný, upřímný a zajímavý pohled na šílenství moderního života, vysvětluje, proč jsme všichni jen nepatrnou částí naší mysli. Naučte se rozumět své vlastní mysli a jejím signálům Komička, spisovatelka a propagátorka duševního zdraví Ruby Wax vysvětluje, jakým způsobem k nám naše mysl posílá šílené myšlenky, jako naši vnitřní kritiku, neustále dokola…
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Ruby Wax Relax pro vyčerpané CZ
Před 500 lety nikdo neumíral na stres: až v současnosti nám stres vládne pevnou rukou. Autorka Ruby Wax se již dlouhou dobu zabývá výzkumem a léčbou stavů úzkosti, deprese a vyčerpání. A nabízí nám vědecké řešení těchto moderních problémů: všímavost. Vtipná, chytrá a jednoduše přístupná kniha každému nabízí šestitýdenní kurz založený na studiu všímavosti. Jednoduché techniky a cvičení pro celkové uklidněné a…