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Robert T. Kiyosaki (60 kníh)

  • Robert T. Kiyosaki Rich Dad, Poor Dad EN

    What The Rich Teach Their Kids About Money - That The Poor And Middle Class Do Not!

  • Robert T. Kiyosaki Rich Dad, Poor Dad EN

    An overnight, word-of-mouth bestselling personal finance book phenomenon for millions of readers hoping to become masters of their money and create sustaining wealth for themselves and their families. Personal-finance author and lecturer Robert T. Kiyosaki developed his unique economic perspective from two very different influences...

  • Robert T. Kiyosaki Rich Dad, Poor Dad 2 EN

    THE CASHFLOW QUADRANT will reveal why some people work less, earn more, pay less in taxes, and feel more financially secure than others. It is simply a matter of knowing which quadrant to work from and when. Have you ever wondered: * What the difference is between an employee and a business owner? * Why some investors make money with little risk while most other investors just break even? * Why in the Industrial Age…

  • Robert T. Kiyosaki Second Chance EN

    Few would argue with the fact that, on many fronts, we are a world in crisis. And there are two sides to every crisis, be it a leadership crisis, an economic crisis, an education crisis or a moral crisis. The two side to crisis are danger and opportunity. Robert Kiyosaki's new book, Second Chance... for Your Money and Your Life, uses the lessons from the past and a brutal assessment of the present to prepare readers…

  • Robert T. Kiyosaki, Sharon L. Lechter Škola biznisu

    Osem skrytých hodnôt sieťového marketingu spojených so zarábaním peňazí. Na spoločnostiach sieťového marketingu je najlepšie, že ponúkajú nielen vzdelávacie kurzy, ale aj programy osobného rozvoja. Hodnota týchto programov je neoceniteľná. Ako sa približuje rok 2010, mnoho ľudí si začína uvedomovať, že priemyslový vek sa skončil a zákony sveta sa navždy zmenili. V informačnom veku sa musíme o seba postarať sami.…

  • Robert T. Kiyosaki Sprisahanie bohatých

    Robert Kiyosaki poskytuje svoj pohľad na globálnu ekonomiku a zaoberá sa dôvodmi, prečo toto búrlivé obdobie predstavuje pre ľudí takú výzvu. Ponúka riešenie finančných problémov a vysvetľuje, čo je hlavná príčina terajšieho ekonomického chaosu a ako sa dá zmierniť jeho dopad. Kniha Sprisahanie bohatých: Osem nových peňažných pravidiel ukazuje, že to, čo sa javí ako najhoršie obdobie, je v skutočnosti rodiaca sa…

  • Robert T. Kiyosaki Unfair Advantage EN

    Why do the rich get richer even in a financial crisis? In his new book the bestselling author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad confirms his message and challenges readers to change their context and act in a new way. In this timely new book, Robert Kiyosaki takes a new and hard-hitting look at the factors that impact people from all walks of life as they struggle to cope with change and challenges that impact their financial…

  • Robert T. Kiyosaki Who Took My Money? EN

    In the eighth book in the Rich Dad`s series, Kiyosaki shows how one can velocitize their money in such a way that they can quickly achieve financial wealth with extraordinary returns and amazing growth. Sound too good to be true? It`s not—and Kiyosaki and Lechter show how anyone can make the move right now.

  • Robert T. Kiyosaki Who took my Money? EN

    Citing the factors that make typical investments insufficient for one's average long-term needs, a guide to maximizing returns offers advice on how to speed up investments and enable high-rate growth. Reissue. 100,000 first printing.Your Financial Advisor Does Not Want you to Read this Book! - Are you tired of the same old advice of !save money, invest for the long term, and diversify? - Do you know that your…

  • Robert T. Kiyosaki Zvýšte svoje finančné IQ

    V roku 1997 ohromila čitateľov Robertova kniha Bohatý otec, chudobný otec tvrdením: Váš dom nie je aktívum. Po celom svete sa zdvihla vlna protestov, a predsa sa kniha stala medzinárodným bestsellerom a patrí medzi tituly najdlhšie sa držiace na vrchole rebríčka listu The New York Times. Bohatý otec, chudobný otec nie je kniha o nehnuteľnostiach. Ale o význame vzdelania v oblasti financií. Kniha Bohatý otec,…
