Robert Penn (4 knihy)
Robert Penn It's All About the Bike EN
The bicycle is one of mankind's greatest inventions - and the most popular form of transport in history. Robert Penn has ridden one most days of his adult life. In his late 20s, he pedalled 40,000 kilometres around the world. Yet, like cyclists everywhere, the utilitarian bikes he currently owns don't even hint at this devotion. Robert needs a new bike, a bespoke machine that reflects how he feels when he's riding…
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Robert Penn The Man Who Made Things Out of Trees EN
An exuberant tale of craftsmanship for nature lovers and rugged outdoor types everywhere Robert Penn cut down an ash tree to see how many things could be made from it. After all, ash is the tree we have made the greatest and most varied use of over the course of human history. Journeying from Wales across Europe and Ireland to the USA, Robert finds that the ancient skills and knowledge of the properties of ash,…
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Robert Penn Záleží jen na kole CZ
Robert Penn je žurnalistou píšícím pro Financial Times, Observer a řadu dalších novin a časopisů. Zejména však miluje kolo - jezdí na něm do práce, nakupovat, aby zlepšil svou fyzickou kondici, aby si pročistil hlavu... Na kole jezdil takřka každý den svého dospělého života, vystřídal desítky kol, projezdil více jak 40 zemí pěti kontinentů. Jednoho dne se rozhodl, že si pořídí své kolo snů, kolo, které nemusí být…