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Richard Horne (8 kníh)

  • Richard Horne 101 Things To Do Before You Die EN

    Have you ever milked a cow? Made the Guinness Book of World Records? Done the Monopoly board pub crawl? Joined the mile high club? NO? Then it´s high time you reassessed your priorities. 101 Things to do before you die is the definitivegiude to everything you should do before it´s too late.

  • Richard Horne 101 Things to Do Before You're Old and Boring EN

    So much to do, so little time, so best to start early. Full of things to make, achieve, learn (and some things you shouldn't learn), this is the perfect handbook for any child who wants to revel in being young and not-boring. Can you make an origami frog? Lie convincingly? Operate as a spy? Parents may need these skills (not origami) to wrest their child's copy from them and indulge in all the fun they should have…

  • Richard Horne, Helen Szirtes 101 Things to Do to Become a Superhero EN

    You are just 101 Things away from global fame (and possibly world domination). Inside this book is everything you need to transform yourself from mere mortal into exciting, dynamic total superhero material. Make things, learn amazing tricks, and be inspired by genius ideas in order to complete the transition from ordinary person to object of worship and admiration. Develop your ...Stealth Telepathy Powers of…

  • Richard Horne 101 Things You Need to Know EN

    Here, 101 marvellous facts are brilliantly explained: why do we have nails? Why is the sky blue? Why can birds stand on electric wires and not be electrocuted? This title enables you to educate your child with minimum effort, and in blissful peace and quiet. It is a perfect source of fascinating facts for any child who doesn't want to be Boring when they Grow Old.

  • Richard Horne, Tracey Turner 101 Things you wish You'd Invented

    Marvel at the sheer brilliance of invention, from glass to underpants, the noble compass to the humble pencil. Not forgetting, of course, the undeniably indispensable banana suitcase. Filled with fascinating details about everything from...

  • Richard Horne, Tracey Turner 101 Things You Wish You'd Invented and Some You Wish No One Had EN

    Marvel at the sheer brilliance of invention, from glass to underpants, the noble compass to the humble pencil. Not forgetting, of course, the undeniably indispensable banana suitcase. Filled with fascinating details about everything from the most common everyday object to inventions which changed society, it will also distinguish the strokes of genius from discoveries of sheer chance, or millennia of evolution ..…

  • Richard Horne, Helen Szirtes 101 věcí, které bys měl/a udělat dřív, než se tě zmocní stáří a nuda CZ

    Není nic horšího než být nudný, tedy kromě toho, být starý a nudný. Na co ještě čekáš? V této knížce najdeš 101 úžasných činností, kterými se můžeš královsky bavit: některé věci tě vůbec nenapadly, nebo tě třeba napadly, ale nevěděl/a jsi, jak na ně. Chceš… spatřit ducha? Natočit film? Být špionem?

  • Richard Horne, Tracey Turner 101 věcí, které potřebujete vědět CZ

    101 nejpozoruhodnějších, nejnechutnějších a nejneuvěřitelnějších informací na dosah ruky. Ať vám přátelé závidí znalosti hodné génia a ať lidé žasnou, jak sypete z rukávu odpovědi na ty nejnemožnější otázky... Proč je nebe modré? Jak to, že ptáci mohou sedět na drátech elektrického vedení a nedostanou ránu? Můžu se zčistajasna samovznítit? VAROVÁNÍ: Nárůst geniality je pouze dočasný.
