Rachel Macy Stafford (4 knihy)
Rachel Macy Stafford Dnes len miluj
Rachel Macy Staffordová, úspešná blogerka a autorka článkov v mienkotvorných médiách, v knižke Dnes len miluj povzbudzuje čitateľa, aby si život a svojich blízkych užíval plnými dúškami. Pre naplnený život je dôležité prosté...
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Rachel Macy Stafford Hands Free Mama EN
Hands Free Mama is the digital society's answer to finding balance in a media-saturated, perfection-obsessed world. It doesn't mean giving up all technology forever. It doesn't mean forgoing our jobs and responsibilities. What it does mean is seizing the little moments that life offers us to engage in real and meaningful interaction. It means looking our loved ones in the eye and giving them the gift of our…