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Philippe Sollers (3 knihy)

  • Julia Kristeva, Philippe Sollers Marriage as a Fine Art EN

    Marriage as a Fine Art is an enchanting series of exchanges in which Julia Kristeva and Philippe Sollers, married for fifty years, speak candidly about their love. Though they live separately, Kristeva and Sollers are fully committed to each other. Their bond is intellectual and psychological, passionate and mundane. They share everything when together, and lose themselves in their interests when apart. Their…

  • Philippe Sollers Venice EN

    Like an expert gondolier, eminent novelist Philippe Sollers guides the reader on an intimate journey through Venice, the city that has enchanted him for more than 50 years. Philippe Sollers is the perfect guide to the soul of Venice as he explores its rich cultural heritage: from Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice to the iconic gondolas that populate the Grand Canal, from Venice's vibrant role during the Renaissance…

  • Philippe Sollers Ženy

    Román Ženy sa začiatkom 80-tych rokov stal vo Francúzsku bestsellerom. Táto mravoučno-pornografická provokácia Philippa Sollersa si brala na mušku feministické hnutia, literárnu kritiku, politickú žurnalistiku i filozofiu a psychoanalýzu. Hlavný hrdina, americký novinár žijúci v Paríži, sa presúva po celom svete, stretáva a miluje obdivuhodné množstvo žien, kritizuje svojich súčasníkov a velebí autority minulých…
