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Philip Pullman (60 kníh)

  • Philip Pullman Kniha Prachu: La Belle Sauvage

    Malcolm Polstead je všímavý chlapec, ale sám nepriťahuje pozornosť. Možno aj preto sa stane špiónom... Malcolmov otec má na brehu Temže hostinec. Do Pstruha chodí celý Oxford a Malcolm a jeho démon Asta si preto denne vypočujú...

  • Philip Pullman La tour des anges

    Le jeune Will, a la recherche de son pere disparu depuis des années, croit avoir tué un homme. Dans sa fuite, il franchit la breche qui lui permet de passer dans un monde parallele. La, a Cittagazze, la ville au-dela de l'Aurore, il rencontre Lyra...

  • Philip Pullman Le Miroir d'ambre

    Dernier tome de la trilogie, seul roman pour la jeunesse couronné par le prix littéraire anglais Whitbread, Le Miroir d'ambre clôt magistralement une aventure inoubliable. Lyra est retenue prisonniere par Mme Coulter...

  • Philip Pullman Magický nôž

    Dvanásťročný Will býva v Oxforde v Anglicku. Chce nájsť svojho otca, prieskumníka Johna Parryho, ktorý zmizol počas expedície na severe. Cez čudesné okno sa Will dostane do mesta Cittagazze v inom svete, kde sa stretne s Lyrou a jej démonom Pantalaimonom. Lyra a jej alethiomer sa stanú súčasťou Willovho pátrania, pričom Lyra pokračuje v hľadaní pravej podstaty tajomného prachu, ktorý spôsobuje v jej svete prevraty.…

  • Philip Pullman Northern Lights EN

    Without this child, we shall all die. Lyra Belacqua and her animal daemon live half-wild and carefree among scholars of Jordan College, Oxford. The destiny that awaits her will take her to the frozen lands of the Arctic, where witch-clans reign and ice-bears fight. Her extraordinary journey will have immeasurable consequences far beyond her own world...

  • Philip Pullman Northern Lights

    Lyra Belacqua and her animal daemon live half-wild and carefree among scholars of Jordan College, Oxford. The destiny that awaits her will take her to the frozen lands of the Arctic, where witch-clans reign and ice-bears fight. Her extraordinary journey will have immeasurable consequences far beyond her own world...

  • Philip Pullman Northern Lights

    The incredible story of Lyra Belacqua will begin, and continue, in The Book of Dust. Now you have the opportunity to revisit her adventures in The Northern Lights, with this graphic novel adaptation of a masterpiece, which comes to life with incredible full-colour art. Follow Lyra's story once again, in a way you've never experienced before, as the arrival of her fearsome uncle, Lord Asriel, draws her to the heart…

  • Philip Pullman Northern Lights, The Subtle Knife, The Amber Spyglass (komplet) EN

    Komplet troch obľúbených titulov v anglickom jazyku: * Northern Lights: Lyra Belacqua and her animal daemon live half-wild and carefree among the scholars of Jordan College, Oxford. The destiny that awaits her will take her to the frozen lands of the Arctic, where witch-clans reign and ice-bears fight... * The Subtle Knife: Will has just killed a man. He´s on the run. His escape will take him far beyond his own…

  • Philip Pullman Rubín v kouři CZ

    První díl tetralogie o nevšední, statečné dívce Sally Lochartové a jejích přátelích z pera mnohokrát oceněného britského spisovatele, autora slavné trilogie Jeho temné exence, je plný tajmena, záhad, romantiky a nebezpečí. Odehrává se v kulisách Londýna 19. století. Sally je na svou dobu velmi nekonveční, mistrně stříli z pistole, ovládá učetnictví a má vpravdě podnikatelského ducha. Když její otec za podezřelých…

  • Philip Pullman Spring-Heeled Jack

    A fun, thriller of an adventure told in words and pictures from master storyteller, Philip Pullman, including beautiful cover illustration by Peter Bailey and sumptuous illustrations throughout by David Mostyn...

  • Philip Pullman Světla Severu CZ

    Žije v Oxfordu ale tajenka jejího příběhu se skrývá na Severu. V modré ledové krajině, kde se může stát cokoli. Tam odkud vychází záře. Tam, kde se ztrácejí děti. Dívenka Lyra, krásná, samostatná a divoká ve svých jedenácti letech má před sebou mrazivou cestu. Víc než na magii musí se spolehnout na svou odvahu a fantazii. A na svého daemona. Trilogie, jejíž první díl držíte v rukou, nadchla chladné Angličany.…

  • Philip Pullman Temné hmoty (trilógia)

    „Raz za život sa objaví autor detskej literatúry, ktorý je taký výnimočný, že zmení predstavivosť celých generácií. Lewis Carroll, E. Nesbit, C. S. Lewis a Tolkien boli toho príkladom, podobne ako aj Philip Pullman. Jeho knihy zhltne každý od ôsmich do osemdesiatich rokov. Temné hmoty sú najambicióznejšie dielo od čias Pána prsteňov...“ (New Statesman) Vydavateľstvo Ikar po prvý raz predstavuje slovenskému…

  • Philip Pullman Temné hmoty (trilógia)

    Vydavateľstvo Ikar predstavuje slovenskému čitateľovi súborné vydanie Pullmanovej fantasy ságy pod názvom Temné hmoty. Svetoznáma trilógia, ktorá pozostáva z kníh Zlatý kompas, Magický nôž a Jantárový ďalekohľad...

  • Philip Pullman The Amber Spyglass EN

    We're going to the land of the dead and we're going to come back. Will and Lyra, whose fates are bound together by powers beyond their own worlds, have been violently separated. But they must find each other, for ahead of them lies the greatest war that has ever been - and a journey to a dark place from which no one has ever returned.

  • Philip Pullman The Amber Spyglass

    The third volume in Philip Pullman's incredible His Dark Materials trilogy. First published in 2000, and acclaimed as a modern masterpiece, it won the UK's top awards for children's literature. We're going to the land of the dead and we're going to come back. Will and Lyra, whose fates are bound together by powers beyond their own worlds, have been violently separated. But they must find each other, for ahead of…

  • Philip Pullman The Book of Dust EN

    Philip Pullman returns to the world of His Dark Materials with this magnificent first volume of The Book of Dust. Eleven-year-old Malcolm Polstead and his d?mon, Asta, live with his parents at the Trout Inn near Oxford. Across the River Thames (which Malcolm navigates often using his beloved canoe, a boat by the name of La Belle Sauvage) is the Godstow Priory where the nuns live. Malcolm learns they have a guest…

  • Philip Pullman The Firework-Makers Daughter

    Featuring wonderful new illustrations from Peter Bailey this beautiful fairytale is perfect for readers young and old. Lila doesn't just want to be a Firework-Maker's daughter, she wants to be a Firework Maker herself...

  • Philip Pullman The Golden Compass EN

    In a landmark epic of fantasy and storytelling, Philip Pullman invites readers into a world as convincing and thoroughly realized as Narnia, Earthsea, or Redwall. Here lives an orphaned ward named Lyra Belacqua, whose carefree life among the scholars at Oxford's Jordan College is shattered by the arrival of two powerful visitors. First, her fearsome uncle, Lord Asriel, appears with evidence of mystery and danger in…
