Philip K. Dick (60 kníh)
Philip K. Dick The Broken Bubble EN
San Francisco in the 1950s, a turning point in American culture: the rise of rock and roll and the teenage lifestyle. Jim Briskin is a disc jockey on radio KOIF. He's still in love with his ex-wife, Pat - even though she's about to marry someone else at the station - and she's vacillating between them. But when he takes her to visit the desperate household of two of his teenage fans, she seduces the boy into…
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Philip K. Dick The Ganymede Takeover EN
Earth has been invaded - but one human terrorist has discovered a weapon which might change the course of the war! Earth has been taken over by the Ganymedians, a race of telepathic worm-like aliens whose instinct for survival has overridden any human attempt to resist their rule. But there is one man who may have discovered a way to defeat them. Dr Balkani has created a machine which distorts reality, and therefore…
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Philip K. Dick The Man Whose Teeth Were All Exactly Alike EN
Leo Runcible - of Runcible Realty - is too excitable and too pushy. His wife drinks too much. He may be a man of principle, but Liberal Jewish Leo is an outsider in the lilywhite Carquinez, Marin County. When he gets into a pointless argument with a customer over his neighbour Walt Dombrosio's house guests, the resulting ramifications follow a bizarre logic of cause and effect to lead in entirely unexpected…
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Philip K. Dick The Minority Report and Other Classic Stories EN
Many thousands of readers consider Philip K. Dick to have been the greatest science fiction writer on any planet. Since his untimely death in 1982, interest in Dick's works has continued to mount and his reputation has been enhanced by a growing body of critical attention. The Philip K. Dick Award is now presented annually to a distinguished work of science fiction, and the Philip K. Dick Society is devoted to the…
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Philip K. Dick Three Early Novels EN
At the beginning of his career, Philip K. Dick, whose later work won him widespread acclaim as the world's greatest science fiction writer, wrote a number of short novels which were published as paperback originals back-to-back in dual volumes with works by writers who were then more famous. Considerably more straightforward than his later novels, these stories are nevertheless unmistakably the work of the author of…
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Philip K. Dick Tři stigmata Palmera Eldritche CZ
Země se na počátku 21. století stává kvůli narůstajícím teplotám téměř neobyvatelnou. Lidé jsou odesíláni do mimozemských kolonií, kde se setkávají s podobně nehostinným prostředím. Jedinou cestou, jak alespoň na okamžik uniknout před zoufalou realitou, je kolektivní spirituální prožitek navozený pomocí nelegálních drog. Z daleké hvězdné soustavy se však vrací obchodník Palmer Eldritch a má pro pozemšťany nabídku:…
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Philip K. Dick Ubik CZ
Černý románový žert od mistra kafkovské sci-fi a pronikavého vizionáře groteskní budoucnosti lidstva. Mrtví tu dávají rady živým a obávají se své definitivní, posmrtné smrti. Byznys se životem po životě je tak výnosný, že nadnárodní společnosti si konkurují nevybíravými prostředky a neváhají se uchýlit ani k fyzické likvidaci svých konkurentů. Někdy však není jasné, kdo ještě zůstal naživu a kdo už existuje jenom v…
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Philip K. Dick Valis CZ
Valis je teologická detektivka a zároveň Dickova stylizovaná autobiografie, v níž si autor to přijatelné vymyslel, zato všechno neuvěřitelné se skutečně stalo. Píše o Bohu (a proč se Ho máme bát), o šílenství (čti: o vesmíru), o lásce (moje exmanželky se vyvinuly z krysy) i o smrti (svět je příběh o smrti ženy). I slepou uličku do nebe ale bere s černým humorem.Preklad: Robert Tschorn
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Philip K. Dick Voices from the Street EN
Stuart Hadley is a young radio electronics salesman in early 1950s Oakland, California. He has what many would consider the ideal life. He has a nice house, a pretty wife, a decent job with prospects for advancement - but he still feels unfulfilled. Something is missing from his life. Hadley is also an angry young man - an artist, a dreamer, a screw-up. He tries to fill his void first with drinking, then sex, and…
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Philip K. Dick Výplata CZ
Povídková sbírka Výplata zahrnuje deset povídek, s osmi z nich se ještě český čtenář neměl možnost setkat. Titulní povídka, sloužící jako předloha ke stejnojmennému filmu, má jak vynikající zápletku tak rychlý spád děje. Michaelu Jenningsovi někdo usiluje o život. Je najímán za patřičně velké honoráře na specializované tajné projekty. Po jejich dokončení, aby nemohl nic vyzradit, je mu vymazána paměť. Nyní však…