PewDiePie (3 knihy)
PewDiePie PewDiePie Graphic Novel EN
Join PewDiePie and his beloved dog Edgar, as they work their way through a series of hilarious and terrifying encounters, in this, his first graphic novel. Combining photography and a range of artwork from award-winning illustrators, the book will bring together the creative excitement of films like Who Framed Roger Rabbit? with the playful craziness of Felix's channel. Each of the dozen stories will see Felix and…
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PewDiePie Tahle kniha tě miluje
Tato kniha je chytřejší než vy a taky lépe vypadá. Tato kniha vás udělá šťastnými. Tato kniha je sbírkou krásně ilustrovaných inspirativních výroků, kterými byste se měli řídit. Pokud budete postupovat podle návodu, váš život bude jednodušší, báječný a...
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PewDiePie This Book Loves You EN
This book is cleverer and better looking than you. This book will blow your mind. This book loves you. This Book Loves You is a collection of beautifully illustrated inspirational sayings by which you should live your life. If you follow each and every one, your life will become easier, more fabulous, more rewarding. Imagine what a chilled-out and wonderful human being people would think you were if you lived by the…