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Peter Hook (4 knihy)

  • Peter Hook Unknown Pleasures EN

    Joy Division changed the face of music. Godfathers of the enduring alternative scene, they reinvented rock in the post-punk era, creating a sound – dark, hypnotic, intense – that would influence U2, Morrissey, R.E.M., Radiohead and many others. This is the rollercoaster story of Joy Division – the friendships, fights, fall-outs; the rehearsals and recording sessions; the larger than life characters – told by the…

  • Peter Hook Unknown Pleasures EN

    This is a rollercoaster, inside-story of life, love and loss with Joy Division. As co-founder of Joy Division, Peter Hook was the inspiration behind a band that would shape the course of popular music. He provided the propulsive bass guitar melodies of Love Will Tear Us Apart, and was at the heart of the sound that came to define an era and inspire a generation. In Unknown Pleasures, he tells the story of that time;…

  • Peter Hook Unknown Pleasures EN

    Genuinely funny: indeed, the story will... keep you entertained for a very long time Sunday Times Joy Division changed the face of music. Godfathers of the current alternative scene, they reinvented rock in the post-punk era, creating a new sound - dark, hypnotic, intense - that would influence U2, Morrissey, R.E.M., Radiohead and many others. This is the story of Joy Division told by the band's legendary bassist,…

  • Peter Hook Unknown Pleasures

    „Konečně jsme se dostali na pódium, asi o dvacet minut později, podívali se do davu – pokud se to tak dá nazvat – a tam byli úplně vepředu všichni moji kámoši a pokřikovali na mě: ,Čááááu, Hoooky. Jak to jde, Hooky?´ Culili se na mě a...
