Peter H. Feist (5 kníh)
Peter H. Feist French Impressionism
It was a dappled and daubed harbor scene that gave Impressionism its name. When Impression, Sunrise by Claude Monet was first exhibited in April 1874, critics seized upon the work's title and its loose stylistic rendering of light and motion upon water to
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Peter H. Feist Renoir CZ
Pierre Auguste Renoir (1841-1919) umelec impresionista, ktorého dielo nám ukazuje umenie svetla a citu. Obyčajne maľoval v plenéri, zachytával krajinu a ľudí, ktorí sa v nej pohybujú. Dôležitú úlohu u neho hrala aj žene, ktorú na svojich obrazoch oslavuje, vzdáva hold jej kráse, čím vytvára novú podobu ženskosti. Peter H. Feist narodil sa v r. 1928, študoval dejiny umenia, históriu a archeológiu v…
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Peter H. Feist Renoir EN
One of the leading lights of the Impressionist movement, Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841–1919) remains a towering figure in art history with enduring public appeal. Sunbathed, charming, and sensual, his work shows painting at its most lighthearted and luminous, while championing the plein air and color innovations of his time. Renoir’s oeuvre was prolific, with some several thousand works in his lifetime. Much…
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Peter H. Feist Renoir EN
Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841 - 1919) is universally acclaimed and celebrated: museums pride themselves on his paintings, crowds flock to his retrospectives. His work shows art at its most light-hearted, sensual and luminous. Renoir never wanted anything ugly in his paintings, nor any dramatic action. I like pictures which make me want to wander through them when it's a landscape, he said, or pass my hand over breast…
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Peter H. Feist Renoir EN
Pierre Auguste Renoir (1841-1919) umelec impresionista, ktorého dielo nám ukazuje umenie svetla a citu. Obyčajne maľoval v plenéri, zachytával krajinu a ľudí, ktorí sa v nej pohybujú. Dôležitú úlohu u neho hrala aj žene, ktorú na svojich obrazoch oslavuje, vzdáva hold jej kráse, čím vytvára novú podobu ženskosti.