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Peter Gössel (13 kníh)

  • Peter Gössel Architecture in the 20th Century

    The architecture of the 20th century is distinguished by an astonishing diversity. Just as the clash of aesthetic and commercial ambitions nevertheless produced many a happy symbiosis, so the purist and the expressive, the monumental and the picturesque c

  • Peter Gössel, Gabriele Leuthäuser Architecture in the Twentieth Century EN

    This is a must-have architecture bible. It deals with a century of great buildings and their creators. This is the be-all-end-all reference work for architecture in the 20th century. From Frank Lloyd Wright to Antoni Gaudi to Frank O. Gehry to Shigeru Ban and all the best stuff in between, it's all here. The chronologically organized chapters put it all into perspective, illustrated by hundreds of large-format…

  • Peter Gössel, Gabriele Leuthäuserová Architektura 20. století CZ

    Nové vydanie tohoto diela bolo doplnené o dve kapitoly, ktoré tematicky rozširujú časový rámec až k prelomu tisícročia. V 29 kapitolách predstavuje kniha zásadné vývojové smery architektúry 20. storočia. Architektúra 20. storočia sa vyznačuje úžasnou rozmanitosťou. Stretávajú sa v nej estetické a komerčné programy, pričom niekedy dochádza ku šťastnej symbióze, inokedy stojí proti sebe purizmus a expresivita,…

  • Peter Gössel, Gabriele Leuthäuserová Architektura 20. století CZ

    Táto nádherná kniha predstavuje zásadné vývojové smery v architektúre v 20. storočí. S podporou známych svetových fotografov a s použitím autentickej obrazovej dokumentácie z archívov celého sveta sa podarilo stavby predstaviť vo vynikajúcej kvalite. K 460 väčšinou veľkoformátovým fotografiám patrí 155 kresieb, ktoré umožňujú čitateľom dostať sa budovám pod fasády. Nové vydanie tohoto diela bolo doplnené o dve…

  • Peter Gössel Frank Lloyd Wright EN

    A building by Frank Lloyd Wright (1867 - 1959) is at once unmistakably individual, and evocative of an entire era. Notable for their exceptional understanding of an organic environment, as well as for their use of steel and glass to revolutionize the interface of indoor and outdoor, Wright’s designs helped announce the age of modernity, as much as they secured his own name in the annals of architectural genius.

  • Peter Gössel Lautner EN

    Michigan-born architect John Lautner (1911–1994) was behind some of the most striking and innovative architectural designs in mid-20th-century America. With designs for homes and commercial buildings primarily in Southern California, Lautner’s innovative work captured the pioneering optimism of 1950s America, a time of space-age technology, economic growth, and affluence. Today, several of Lautner’s houses are…

  • Jean-Louis Cohen, Peter Gössel Le Corbusier EN

    Born Charles-Edouard Jeanneret, Le Corbusier (1887-1965) adopted his famous pseudonym after publishing his ideas in the review L'Esprit Nouveau in 1920. The few buildings he was able to design during the 1920s, when he also spent much of his time painting and writing, brought him to the forefront of modern architecture. But it was not until after World War II that his epoch-making buildings were constructed, such as…

  • Peter Gössel, Arnt Cobbers, Oliver Jahn Prefab Houses EN

    A Prefab is a mass produced house, constructed in a factory and assembled on site in a few days or weeks. Once regarded as a cheap, easy solution for urgent housing problems, the prefab has evolved to become a synonym for ambitious design and sophisticated detailing solutions. The amazing history of prefabricated houses started in England in the 1830's with a building kit for emigrants moving to Australia. Even…

  • Peter Gössel, Nils Peters Prouvé EN

    French architect and designer Jean Prouvé (1901 – 1984) was one of the most important constructors of the 20th century. Prouvé’s design innovations included cleverly-shaped metal parts for building prefabricated structures; he designed buildings and furniture that could be produced with economy of labor and material and efficiency in use, while maintaining high technical standards and quality materials. His simple…

  • Peter Gössel, Sergio Los Scarpa EN

    Carlo Scarpa (1906–1978) was never fully appreciated during his lifetime. Instead, his work was dismissed as being just art, and only after his death did people begin to understand the exceptional quality of his oeuvre. This book shows the development of his individual architectural language by linking aspects of the arts with architecture. From his sensitive consideration of the urban context, to the composition of…

  • Peter Gössel UN Studio EN

    UN Studio, led by Dutch architects Ben van Berkel and Caroline Bos, creates spaces that are surprisingly innovative. Their work doesn`t rehash Modernism but rather embraces the digital age via the invention of new, time-based techniques expanding the imagination, exploding the hierarchy of the design process, and encouraging the input of different disciplines. UN Studio`s architecture is the result of a design…
