Peter Carey (18 kníh)
Peter Carey A Long Way From Home
Irene Bobs loves fast driving. Her husband is the best car salesman in rural south eastern Australia. Together with Willie, their lanky navigator, they embark upon the Redex Trial, a brutal race around the continent, over roads no car will ever ...
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Peter Carey Amnesia EN
When Gaby Bailleux released the Angel Worm into Australia's prison system, allowing hundreds of asylum seekers to walk free, she also let the cat out of the bag. The Americans ran the prisons, like so many parts of her country, and so the doors of some 5000 American places of incarceration also opened. Both countries' secrets threatened to pour out. Was this a mistake, or had Gaby declared cyberwar on the US? Felix…
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Peter Carey Amnesia
When Gaby Baillieux, a young woman from suburban Melbourne, releases the Angel Worm into the computers of Australias prison system, hundreds of asylum seekers walk free...
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Peter Carey Bliss EN
This novel, by the author of Oscar and Lucinda, tells the story of a man who, recovering from death, is convinced that he is in hell. For the first time in his life, Harry Joy sees the world as it really is, and takes up a notebook to explore and note down the true nature of the Underworld.
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Peter Carey Bliss EN
Bliss was Peter Carey's astonishing first novel, originally published in 1981 - a fast-moving extravaganza, both funny and gripping, about a man who, recovering from death, is convinced that he is in Hell. For the first time in his life, Harry Joy sees the world as it really is and takes up a notebook to explore and notate the true nature of the Underworld. As in his stories and some of his later novels, it is Peter…
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Peter Carey Bliss
Peter Carey's astonishing debut novel is a fast-moving extravaganza, both funny and gripping, about a man who, recovering from death, is convinced that he is in hell.
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Peter Carey Data Protection
Now in its fifth edition, this invaluable handbook provides a complete guide to the practical application of data protection law. It is fully updated and expanded to include coverage of significant developments in the practice of data protection, and...
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Peter Carey His Illegal Self EN
Che is raised in isolated privilege by his New York grandmother, the precocious son of radical Harvard students in the sixties. Yearning for his famous Outlaw parents, denied all access to television and the news, he takes hope from his long-haired teenage neighbour who predicts 'They will come for you, man. They'll break you out of here.' Soon Che too is an outlaw, fleeing down subways, abandoning seedy motels at…
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Peter Carey Jack Maggs EN
The thrilling historical novel from twice Booker-winner Peter Carey.
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Peter Carey Oscar and Lucinda EN
The Booker-winning novel, also shortlisted for the Best of the Booker in 2008.
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Peter Carey Oscar and Lucinda
Oscar and Lucinda is a sweeping, irrepressibly inventive novel set in nineteenth-century Australia. Oscar, a nervous Anglican minister who gambles on the instructions of the Divine, joins forces with Lucinda, a teenaged heiress who buys a glassworks ...
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Peter Carey Parrot a Olivier v Americe CZ
Kniha Parrot a Olivier v Americe byla v loňském roce v užším výběru na nejvyšší britské literární ocenění Man Booker Prize. Může být politická fikce románem? Spisovatel Peter Carey oživuje velkého francouzského filozofa Alexise de Tocqueville a jeho cestu do Ameriky, z níž vzešlo dílo Demokracie v Americe – první velká studie o mravech, morálce a politice ve Spojených státech, prostřednictvím fiktivních postav…
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Peter Carey Parrot and Olivier America EN
Olivier is a French aristocrat, the traumatized child of survivors of the Revolution. Parrot the son of an itinerant printer who always wanted to be an artist but has ended up a servant. Born on different sides of history, their lives will be brought together by their travels in America. When Olivier sets sail for the New World, ostensibly to study its prisons but in reality to save his neck from one more revolution…
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Peter Carey Parrot and Olivier in America EN
Olivier—an improvisation on the life of Alexis de Tocqueville—is the traumatized child of aristocratic survivors of the French Revolution. Parrot is the motherless son of an itinerant English printer. They are born on different sides of history, but their lives will be connected by an enigmatic one-armed marquis. When Olivier sets sail for the nascent United States—ostensibly to make a study of the penal system,…
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Peter Carey Pravdivý příběh Neda Kellyho a jeho bandy CZ
Strhující román jednoho z nejvýraznějších australských autorů vypráví o chlapci vyrůstajícím v irské přistěhovalecké rodině, o bídě a drsném životě domkářů v Austrálii 19. století a o tom, jak je snadné ocitnout se na nesprávné straně zákona, pokud se člověk nenarodil jako boháč a nemíní spolupracovat se zkorumpovanou policií. Ned Kelly, jemuž spisovatel vzdává ve své knize hold, byl skutečnou postavou ”divokého…
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Peter Carey Príbeh Neda Kellyho
Román odmenený cenou Booker Prize 2001 začiera do pestrej austrálskej histórie. Napínavé osudy dobrodruha z drsných malebných končín juhovýchodnej Austrálie spestruje svojský humor a strhujúce obrazy života ľudí v nehostinnom buši.
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Peter Carey Theft: A Love Story EN
Narrated by the twin voices of the artist Butcher Bones, and his 'damaged two-hundred-and-twenty-pound brother' Hugh, Theft: A Love Story once again displays Peter Carey's extraordinary flair for language. Ranging from the rural wilds of Australia to Manhattan via Tokyo, it is a brilliant and moving exploration of art, fraud, responsibility and redemption.
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Peter Carey True History of the Kelly Gang EN
In True History of the Kelly Gang, the legendary Ned Kelly speaks for himself, scribbling his narrative on errant scraps of paper in semiliterate but magically descriptive prose as he flees from the police. To his pursuers, Kelly is nothing but a monstrous criminal, a thief and a murderer. To his own people, the lowly class of ordinary Australians, the bushranger is a hero, defying the authority of the English to…