Patrick McDonnell (3 knihy)
Eckhart Tolle, Patrick McDonnell Naši andělé strážní CZ
Z jedinečné spolupráce dvou mistrů ve svých oborech, duchovního učitele Eckharta Tolleho a ilustrátora Patricka McDonnella, tvůrce slavného komiksu MUTTS, vznikla kniha, jejíž stránky s roztomilými obrázky nejen potěší, ale přimějí i k zamyšlení a porozumění. Vzbudí ve vás úctu ke všem bytostem: dílo naplňuje láska k přírodě, ke zvířatům, k lidem - zkrátka, k všemu živému. Pojďte se s Našimi anděli strážnými radovat…
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Patrick McDonnell Tek EN
Tek is a cave boy in love with tech: his tablet, videogames, phone, and TV keep him deep in his cave, glued to his devices, day in and day out. He never sees his friends or family anymore - and his ability to communicate has devolved to just one word: UGH! Can anyone in the village convince Tek to unplug and come outside into the big, beautiful world? A distinctive package and design cleverly evokes the experience…
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Patrick McDonnell The Little Gift Of Nothing EN
Mooch the cat desperately wants to get his friend Earl the dog a gift for the holidays, but Earl already has everything. What do you give a guy who has everything?! What? What? Mooch wonders. Then it dawns on him nothing! Since its publication in 2005, this heartwarming story has become an instant classic, with adults buying multiple copies for the person who has everything. Now, for under $20, they can purchase…