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Norbert Wolf (17 kníh)

  • Norbert Wolf Albrecht Dürer EN

    Durer's prints and drawings inspired centuries of artists both during his life and after his death. Yet his talent as a painter and colourist, and his enthusiasm for the scientific world have not been widely appreciated. Durer's influence was both international and intergenerational; indeed Picasso claimed to have been inspired by the sixteenth-century artist. Reproduced in stunning detail and including…

  • Norbert Wolf Art Deco EN

    Now available in a new format, this lavishly illustrated volume explores Art Deco art and design from its origin to its present day influences. The Art Deco style is so recognizable and widespread that its original impact on the culture in which it emerged has been all but lost in the clutter of imitation. This book draws our attention back to the birth of Art Deco a period between two devastating world wars when…

  • Norbert Wolf Art Deco EN

    This sumptuous volume salutes everything Art Deco - from historically significant art and design through to the present day. The Art Deco style is so recognizable and widespread that its original influence on the culture in which it emerged has been all but lost in the clutter of imitation. This book draws our attention back to the birth of Art Deco - a period between two devastating world wars when…

  • Norbert Wolf Art Nouveau EN

    The Art Nouveau movement became an international phenomenon at the beginning of the twentieth century that ushered in the era of modernity in almost every aspect of cultural life. For decades critics have argued that Art Nouveau was not an artistic period in its own right, but an amalgam of artists and styles that served as a bridge between neoclassicism and modernism. In this comprehensive, authoritative, and…

  • Norbert Wolf Codices illustres

    Famous Manuscripts. The fascinating world of medieval miniature painting and illumination. From The Book of Kells to Boccaccio’s Decameron, from the Vienna Genesis to Dante’s Divine Comedy ...

  • Norbert Wolf Dürer CZ

    Albrecht Dürer je najvýznamnejší nemecký maliar a grafik. Do jeho veľkolepého diela patrí viac ako 1 100 kresieb, 34 akvarelov, 108 medirytín a leptov, 246 drevorytín a 188 malieb. V knihe sa čitateľ dozvie, že Albrecht Dürer bol prvým umelcom v Nemecku, ktorý kreslil akty podľa živých modelov a ako prvý zaobchádzal s autoportrétom ako so samostatným žánrom. Kniha je prierezom jeho života a tvorby.

  • Norbert Wolf Dürer EN

    Though he is most famous for his engravings, Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528) was also a master painter and draftsman whose work exemplifies the spirit of German art. Dürer’s importance in the German High Renaissance was such that he can be considered to embody the movement entirely. His visits to Italy (where he studied most notably with Giovanni Bellini) had a profound effect on his artistic development and enabled him…

  • Norbert Wolf Dürer EN

    Germany's greatest Renaissance artist Though most famous for his engravings, Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528) was also a master painter and draftsman whose work exemplifies the spirit of German art. Dürer's importance in the German High Renaissance was such that he can be considered to embody the movement entirely. His visits to Italy (where he studied most notably with Giovanni Bellini) had a profound effect on his…

  • Norbert Wolf Erotic Sketchbooks: Salvador Dalí EN

    Dali fans will treasure this unusual collection of beautifully reproduced graphic works that reveal an important facet of the surrealist's oevre. Art Times has called Prestel’s successful series of erotic sketchbooks, “Wonderful little gifts for that special connoisseur of erotic drawing.” The newest title in the series features the work of Salvador Dalí, bringing together more than thirty sketches and watercolors…

  • Norbert Wolf Expresionizmus CZ

    V dejinách umenia sa označuje termínom expresionizmus tendencia zdôrazňovať v dielach psychické momenty tvorby, stupňovanie prejavov umelcovej duše ústiacich do deformácie tvarov. Nejde teda o štýlový pojem ako kubizmus či futurizmus. Do expresionizmu radíme v širšom zmysle umelecké diela rôznych smerov. Najvýznamnejšie diela expresionizmu prináša ďalšia kniha z tejto populárnej edície.

  • Norbert Wolf Expressionism EN

    This visceral life: Seeing the world through Expressionist eyes Sharp angles, strange forms, lurid colors, and distorted perspectives are classic hallmarks ofExpressionism, the twentieth century movement thatprioritized emotion over objective reality. Though particularly present in Germany and Austria, the movement s approach flourished internationally and is today hailed asone of the most influential shifts in art…

  • Norbert Wolf Holbein EN

    Renaissance presence Hans Holbein the Younger, portraitist extraordinaire Religion, Renaissance, and Reformation - these three ideologies shaped the world of 16th-century portraitist Hans Holbein the Younger (1497/98-1543), a pivotal figure of the Northern Renaissance, whose skills took him to Switzerland, Belgium, Italy, and England, and garnered patrons and subjects as prestigious as Henry VIII, Thomas More, Anne…

  • Norbert Wolf Impressionism: Reimagining Art EN

    Reflecting the most recent research on this groundbreaking artistic movement, this lavishly illustrated and comprehensive book examines Impressionism on a global scale, from its iconic French masterpieces to less familiar works by Scandinavian, German, British, and North American artists. One of the art world's most recognizable and popular styles, Impressionism is also one of the most complex. In this sumptuous…

  • Norbert Wolf, Annette Hagedorn Islamic Art EN

    The art which arose from the 7th century in the Islamic empires reached from Spain and Morocco to the borders of China. It bore the stamp above all of Arabs, Persians and Turks, but outstanding contributions also came from Egypt and India. Islamic Art presents prominent examples: luxury ceramics, prayer mats, goldsmithery, as well as witnesses to the decorative arts and calligraphy – and above all the masterpieces…

  • Norbert Wolf Kirchner EN

    Bridging the gap Expressionist pioneer Ernst Ludwig Kirchner heralded a new perspective in 20th-century painting Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (1880 1938) is regarded as one of the key figures in 20th-century European art. A Modernist to his bones, he sent seismic waves through the art world with his hard-edged, intensely colored paintings and disseminated his ideas through Die Brucke art movement and the MUIM-Institut…

  • Norbert Wolf Romanesque EN

    Reaching its peak in the 11th and 12th centuries, the Romanesque movement was marked by a peculiar, vivid, and often monumental expressiveness in architecture and fine arts. The main centres were located in Italy, France, the German-language countries, Spain, and England, though the voices of Scandinavia and Eastern Europe expressed themselves distinctly in the genre, which patterned itself on antique and Byzantine…

  • Norbert Wolf Velázquez EN

           Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquezreprezentuje zlatý vek španielskeho maliarstva. Narodil sa v Seville, ale pôvodom bol Portugalec. V r. 1632 sa stal dvorným maliarom španielského kráľa Filipa IV. Vo svojej maľbe používal hladké ťahy štetca, obdivoval glazovanú maľbu, a preto sa po stretnutí s Rubensom rozhodol odcestovať do Talianska. Do tejto krajiny sa vrátil ešte niekoľkokrát. V r. 1640 v Ríme namaľoval…
